23 October 2023 at 14:11 JasonB Said:
Vic, I think they are talking of looking at an archived copy of the thread to see what it looked like there and comparing it to here
Oh, I see, well I think I see as I’m still somewhat confused as I presumed this thread came from the ME archive?
Sorry if I wasn’t clear enough in my explanation (or lack of it).
archive.org is a useful web site which scours the internet looking for interesting websites to archive, or take a snapshot in time if you like; once that snapshot it taken, it doesn’t update, though later shapshots may be taken and saved with a different recording date.
It doesn’t allways save all the contents of a site; Unfortunately in this case Vic’s post wasn’t archived even once, so I couldn’t see exactly how it looked when it was originally posted back in 2021.
I was trying to see why the picture Michael thought he had inserted wasn’t showing in this thread, now that the vice discussion has been transported to the new version of the forum.
This is all that showed on a Windows PC with Opera browser.

It looks like that odd little icon showed on Michael’s Ipad as a Question Mark, as his operating system is different to mine.
It turns out it was actually a “Thumbs Up” gif, hosted on the previous forum’s software (so it desplayed ok on the original greenish forum), but the gif database was not transferred over here.