A Tirril Regulator question?


A Tirril Regulator question?

Home Forums Electronics in the Workshop A Tirril Regulator question?

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  • #292196
    Tim Stevens

      I have always understood that the term 'Tirrill regulator' was the posh name for a vibrating-contact regulator as used on cars (etc) from the early 1920s dynamos up to about 1970. The same type of regulator was also used for early car alternators.

      Reference to various web-sites brings up a lot about alternator systems (usually dirty great big ones) – so am I right to use the term also for Joe Lucas's little box with a brass lid?


      PS Just noticed the heading lacks a double l, but too late.


      Edited By Tim Stevens on 05/04/2017 18:12:01

      Tim Stevens

        For those with voltage-regulator history knowlege, perhaps

        Clive Foster

          Technically no.

          The Lucas and similar dynamo controllers control the field current directly so they are simple vibrating contact regulators.

          In contrast the Tirril regulator controls the field current in the exciter which in turn drives the alternator field coil(s) so it manipulates the relatively small current in the exciter field coils to control the much larger current in the alternator field coils rather than attempting to control the alternator field directly.


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