Hmmm. The OP seems to have opened a can of worms. I entirely understand his point, but personally I would far rather see someone attempt to make a helpful post online than not, however garbled. And I found posting on forums difficult and intimidating at first.
My own grammar and spelling is, of course, faultless and exemplary, but even I am alarmed at the mistakes and simple errors I have made when reading back my own posts before I click the "submit" button. I often have to have several goes at editing before it is completely right. Imagine my horror when I reread the post 3 days later and realise that, quite apart from grammar and spelling, my original post seems to have been constructed randomly from one of those fridge-magnet poetry kits, and makes just about as much sense. "That's not what I meant to say at all!" 
Slightly off topic, but following on from what some others have written here….
I have been listening to old men complain about standards of education, literacy and, indeed, just about everything else for the last 50 years. And I'm sick of it. The fact is that life as we know it has improved almost immeasurably over the last half-century. We are better fed, longer-living, wealthier, safer and happier (!) than we have ever been. The advances made in technology (and pretty much every other discipline) during my lifetime are astonishing. This has mostly been accomplished by the ill-educated, ignorant, illiterate, slovenly, lazy, disinterested, feckless ignoramuses who have left school since 1965. Let's give them some credit.