Indeed not really to my taste.
No sign of any handwheel engraving so you would need to sort something out to know how far it is moving in X&Y
Solidly built with good supporting dovetail ways but that is probably due to what looks like quite limited travel so you won't end up with large overhangs.
As I said holding anything to the horizontal surface would need modifications or a sub table which would eat into head room
Vertical face would further limit usable Y travel as any collet chuck etc would need to be kept clear of that when working on items held to the horizontal surface
Very limited as to where you can get clamps to hold it down
No sign of gib strips to take up any wear if it's had a hard life
So personally can't see much that would make me want to buy it. What were the features that attracted you to it Michael?
Edited By JasonB on 17/10/2022 10:36:15