A question of design


A question of design

Home Forums Locomotives A question of design

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    ian Holdsworth

      Has anyone designed a 5 inch 2-6-4 Fairburn tank. If so, who and what name is given to it. Also where can I get drawings and castings?

      noel shelley

        My first thought would be that it may not be very good at pulling as a model due to having too many wheels ? Noel


          We used to have an Halton tank 4-6-4 as a club loco in the St Albans DMES and it was very capable as a passenger hauler. The thing people didn’t like was that is is very heavy for moving around for portable track events.


            There is a reference to what I guess is a larger version here:

            7 1/4″ LMS Class 4 tank

            ian Holdsworth

              My problem is that I have acquired a 2-6-4 tank in 5 inch, part built. ±The 0-6-0 is clearly a speedy. but it has the additional wheels. The boiler is without a Swindon bonnet. And has no dome, but has a belpair boiler with safety poppet valves on the flat, just like an LMS. Loco.The regulator appears to be on the superheater input.  It also has what appear to be Fairburn side tanks. So it is a bit of a Marriage.

              I would like to finish this loco, but what should it be. Should I cut the extended frames a build it as  a Speedy or add an addition bottom slide bar and make a Fairburn tank. I had hoped that I could find an existing design for a Fairburn so I am not going to get to lost in the translation.

              All wise words would appreciated

              Brian Baker 2

                Greetings Ian, it’s a bit difficult to help you without a photograph, but the Late Martin Evans designed a 3.5 in gauge loco called Jubilee, and he also described a 5 inch gauge version in the same articles.  I think you have one of these.


                Brian Baker

                  On Brian Baker 2 Said:

                  …Martin Evans designed a 3.5 in gauge loco called Jubilee, and he also described a 5 inch gauge version in the same articles.

                  Those articles could be located in the ME index here:


                  It would also be worth searching both that index and the EIM one for ‘Fairburn’ or any other likely terms.


                    Deleted as a false lead.

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