Posted by John Haine on 25/03/2021 15:15:21:
Excellent Tony, I have been thinking about the same thing, you beat me to it! Do you use a short "bar" magnet in a brass (or ali) cylinder?
I've also been trying to find out how those clocks with apparently continuous motion work. I believe that they use the identical type of motor but drive them with trick pulse trains, that's the next challenge, should make them a lot quieter.
Thanks John!
It is a short cylindrical (but diametrically magnetised) magnet sandwiched between two brass cylinders of the same dimensions, with axial 1.5mm holes to take the steel shafts. Not the easiest way to go and a pig to align, even badly – but I have found some donut shaped magnets that will do the trick and will be easier to use. I've sourced some from Ebay, some from Amazon; the donut shaped ones are these:
Supplied by Magnet Experts – haven't been delivered yet though!
Yes, getting them to work quietly is an issue – even the tiny ones in the quartz movements generate a significant "tick". With the relatively large magnet I am using the tick is very loud indeed, especially when attached to a sounding board. The smaller ring magnets should be better from that point of view.
I'm wondering what happens if you simply drive the Lavet motor using a Sine wave…? Might be worth a go.