Just had a read through MEW 222, which arrived this morning. Especially liked One Man and His Lathe, looking forward to more of those.
Just one minor query for Neil – is there some reason almost nobody mentions the price of things?
So the spray gun is "a fairly expensive brush when compared to imported copies" and a better box would have been nicer "at this price range". And the price is? Nowhere to be found. To save other readers googling, it's about £110ish.
Then there's Neil's own review of the Dremel – lovely to see someone actually using one after all the advertorial puff pieces of the past – but how much does it cost? No mention. The answer, after a bit more Google, turns out to be £100-£110ish.
On to the book reviews – no prices. Why not? Are these £6 books or £30 books? Wouldn't it be useful to say?
I'm probably not alone in not having an unlimited budget for 'stuff', so prices are useful information… if the spray gun had been say £30 then it's a far more 'easily possible' purchase than if it costs £110. But no way of knowing which from the review.
To pre-empt those who say 'but prices change' the date is on the front of the mag and obviously prices have to be seen in the context of their time.
Clearly you don't want articles to sound like ads for things but putting in the price does not do that IMO – it's just useful info for readers. And saying, in an independent way, whether an item is value for money compared to the alternatives, would be a much better way of sounding non-ad-like.
Just a minor quibble really – and I'm curious as to the reasoning behind omitting prices. Enjoyed the issue overall!
Edited By Bikepete on 20/10/2014 20:11:24