The 'Glow Panels' are, I think, designed to feed just one glow plug. As Dean needs to run 8 simultaneously he will need something much more beefy. I have dug out some old glow plugs I had, from heli flying days, and their cold resistance looks to be about 0.2 ohms. This gives a cold current of about 10 amps per unit with the hot current being lower.
8 plugs running at 2v would require a whopping start/cold current of somewhere in the region of 80 amps which would fall back as they reach temperature. It might be better to break them down into separate smaller groups which while it does nothing for the total power requirement would would lower the current for each branch and make switching easier.
A quick test has given a current of 3 amps at 1.2 volts, nice orange glow, which would equate roughly to about 5 amps at 2 volts or 40 amps for 8 plugs in parallel for the plugs I have got.
If run from a 12v source, i.e. car battery, then the most efficient method would to use some form of switched mode supply or pulse width control system to regulate the feed to the plugs. A simple but crude solution would be to use a beefy hex-fet on a heat sync fed from a variable mark space oscillator and tune for optimum current. I would suggest something like a 555 Timer IC but Andrew would not approve
as its very old hat