AFAIK, NiMH and NiCD can use the same charger. Only Li-ion requires a different (and special) charger.
Am I wrong?
Yes! Chargers that can charge NiMH and NiCD usually have a switch to change cell type.
It is possible to use the same charger but only on very low current, both types , so require different charging regimesof cell will take low current for extended periods without damage but a faster/higher current charge, the characteristics of the cells is different.
NiCd cells when at charge capacity will start to drop in voltage before going wildly overvoltage- delta peak I believe is what it is called.
Li-ion cells are a different ball game all together and should not be charged above 4.2v to retain capacity, anything more than a single cell will require a balancing circut to keep all the cells at the same voltage.