A new version of “Charging’ : from a once-great name.


A new version of “Charging’ : from a once-great name.

Home Forums Electronics in the Workshop A new version of “Charging’ : from a once-great name.

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  • #706301
    Nicholas Farr

      Hi, just as Mark says, very messy. The only thing these were ready for was the bin, along with the cassette recorder/player.

      Leaking Battery

      This was one that I got from a car boot sale late 80’s, which I got for my kids when they came to see me, and this picture was taken in June 1992, my kids had lost interest in it by then.

      Regards Nick

        On Peter Greene Said:

        AFAIK, NiMH and NiCD can use the same charger. Only Li-ion requires a different (and special) charger.

        Am I wrong?

        Yes! Chargers that can charge NiMH and NiCD usually have a switch to change cell type.

        It is possible to use the same charger but only on very low current, both types , so require different charging regimesof cell will take low current for extended periods without damage but a faster/higher current charge, the characteristics of the cells is different.

        NiCd cells when at charge capacity will start to drop in voltage before going wildly overvoltage- delta peak I believe is what it is called.

        Li-ion cells are a different ball game all together and should not be charged above 4.2v to retain capacity, anything more than a single cell will require a balancing circut to keep all the cells at the same voltage.

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