Posted by Neil Wyatt on 15/06/2022 14:49:50:
Posted by magpie on 15/06/2022 10:45:57:
Personally i am past caring about how much info about me gets into the public domain. I already have a whole chapter about me in a book about early rock 'n' roll groups, and more to come on that subject.
Do tell!
A very long story Neil, so i will give you the very short version. As a 16 year old i started a skiffle group, then went on to play in a few local rock 'n' roll groups before becoming a road manager for Brian Epstein. During this time i worked with just about every big name pop star in the world, and went twice around the world, working in very many countries.
After a few years of this, i found myself looking down the wrong end of a shotgun so took the easy way out and got married. I then started my own garage business doing mainly custom body and paint work.
10 years later I got divorced, got married again without the shotgun and lived happily ever after.