Good evening all, and thanks to Neil for flying this kite, and in response I'd like to offer a very personal and skewed view of what I want to see at an exhibition.
I went to the Midlands show on the Sunday. I was surprised how quiet it was given the number of cars in the car park. Bristol, earlier in the year, was busier, though I went on the Saturday so I'm not comparing like for like. I haven't tried Doncaster, and the last time I went to Ally Pally I was defeated by the crush. It was like a jumble sale at closing time.
The perennial issues over attracting footfall, and the reliance on the same faithful members to carry the burden of making it happen, are not peculiar to our model activities. I volunteer at a number of village events, it's the same microcosm wherever you look. I'm prepared to accept at face value the proposition that these shows are not a licence to print money, and showing me "honest accounts" – fascinating that it might be – won't show the added value of all those volunteers.
I'd like to see all traders at no charge to attend. They're what the organisers are selling, and the idea that they are an income stream to be milked is short sighted and false. Let them make a profit if they can, it's a rough world out there and it's killing the golden goose to squeeze them dry.
Ditto accredited clubs. Their exhibits are what the show is about, though (heresy that it is) there are too many of them. I'm suffering museum fade after the first dozen, though I recognise that my dozen will be different from someone else's. But if you offer free display space to traders then the Clubs are going to want the same deal. However I want to see people who made the clever stuff on show, and to be able to talk to them and shoot the breeze. That personal interaction is why I go to a show.
If the organisers are going to make those two decisions then the gate price has to go up, significantly. I don't know how much, but bring on the "honest accounts" and a business model will reveal itself. To do this the footfall has to be reliable, and as the source of income the higher the better. Bring on free parking, reasonably priced refreshments and a suitable location. Increasing the entrance price is the cost of keeping these shows alive. I take the points made above how the parsimonious nature of the clientele is killing the very activity we support, and unlocking this conundrum is the key to turning it around.
So I would love to see a wider interest served by the show than just steam, shiny bits of metal, and bacon butties. Why does my wife not want to go? Musing on the contents of the "What did you do today" thread, we're into Arduinos, old fashioned discrete electronics, stepper motors, properties of materials etc etc. I'd love to see the cross pollination of ideas into radio control, electronic test equipment, machined wood work (which seems to be very popular) and practical demo's of stuff. Which MyTimeMedia mag's sell well? The gas turbine guys – with shiny exotic materials, loud noises and a distinct hint of danger – open a window of opportunity and "I fancy having a crack at that" to every show I've been to.
But Warwick as a venue isn't big enough.
Every year my wife takes me (!) to the NEC for the Festival of Quilts. Which grows, year on year, and this year occupied four halls of the NEC. You cannot get round it in one day. Don't start me on the subject of ladies of a certain girth on electric scooters, but the point is that the practical exuberance of expressing our creativity is alive and well on the distaff side – and not a few men as well. Taking this lesson back to our model engineering and associative activities I'd like to suggest that Uttoxeter racecourse is more of the scale of the event we should be seeking. I've been to the antiques fair on the Bath and West Showground – 5 acres of it – if we want our show to persevere though the vicissitudes of rising costs and falling expertise we need to broaden its appeal, not constrain our horizons to those of the local village hall.
So who's going to take the lead?
Rgds to all
edited for typos
Edited By Simon Williams 3 on 27/10/2018 00:35:56