A Merry Christmas to All


A Merry Christmas to All

Home Forums Model Engineer & Workshop A Merry Christmas to All

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    Nick Clarke 3

      Happy Christmas everyone – and a safe and healthy New Year!


        A very happy Christmas to everybody, lets all hope for a far better 2022. Hope Santa bought you all the workshop goodies you asked for.

        bernard towers

          Merry Christmas everybody and a Happy swarfmaking New Year.


            Merry Xmas to all, had a nice present from the NHS, Wednesday a phone call asking me to go for a Gastroscopy yesterday morning with a Covid test the day before. Apparently the surgeons wanted to clarify something they could see on a CT scan from two weeks ago, so now have to wait 2 – 3 weeks for results from the biopsies, life is never boring when you get old, determined to get on and enjoy Xmas. Dave W

            Graham Meek

              To Friends old, and new, A Happy, Peaceful Christmas and Good Health in the New Year,

              also take time out to remember those who have to work today,

              Best wishes


              Mick Henshall

                Merry Christmas from deepest Dorset and hope New Year is a good one



                  Merry Christmas everyone. From a wet & nippy west Yorkshire.


                  Gerhard Novak

                    Merry Christmas to all of you.

                    Lady Stephanie casting set was under the tree…smiley

                    lee webster

                      To paraphrase my hero, Scrooge, Christmas? Hah! Bumhug. (You spend Christmas your way, I'll spend it mine!)

                      Merry Christmas to one and all.

                      old mart

                        Seasons Greetings to all members and viewers where ever you come from.


                          Merry Christmas to everyone and hope for a better New Year ! Not been on t'internet today just though I'd have a quick look before we climbed the wooden hill !! Stay well one and all


                            A little after the main event but compliments of the season to all.

                            Looking forward to a warmer day today ( 44 degrees C ) after the chill of Xmas day ( 43 degrees C ). Sunshine is fine – but there are limits!

                            Only reprieve is a full day of cricket – 1st day of the Boxing Day test followed by two 20-20 games plus the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race. Should have asked Santa for a spare pair of eyes!

                            No shed time at the moment – it's hot enough to anneal copper in there – but should cool down in a month or two!

                            Not to complain though – if you take the heat of summer and chill of winter and average them out then conditions are just perfect.

                            Hot or cold I hope that everyone had a good, if not quite normal, Christmas day and that the new Year shapes up better for everyone than the last couple.

                            Best wishes to all


                            Henry Brown

                              As I missed the Xmas greetings here's hoping 2022 will be a better year and bring good health and all that you wish for yourselves!

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