Posted by NJH on 19/07/2011 12:21:05:
You Guys need to get out more!
Quite the reverse actually! I seem to be out and about non-stop, so very little workshop time available, hence the rush that resulted in this thread.
Dave: Actually the loooong swarf was the exception rather than the rule. Most of it came off in lengths between 1″ and 10″. It seemed to alternate, one cut long, the next short. Presumably some subtle changes in the cutting parameters determine the length, but I’m blowed if I know what. It was one of the short purple bits of swarf that got into my shoe, and resulted in the ejection of said shoe about a millisecond later. Left a nice hole in the sock and a pretty pattern burnt into my foot.
According to my calculations I was removing 2.9 cubic inches per minute. Allowing 1hp per cubic inch per minute, I was on the limit, as I have a 3hp motor on my lathe. You could certainly hear the headstock gears taking the strain and slowing down slightly.
PS: The first pair of socks were ruined when I dropped a shovel load of swarf on my shoes when clearing up. There were so many little bits of sharp swarf embedded in the socks it was easier to throw them away.