About a year and a half ago I was told I could no longer run my little ads (offering general help with machining, fitting, etc) in the 'Classifieds' sections on this website as it might upset some of the regular advertisers who offer specialised services and products, and pay for larger adverts in the magazine, something I cannot afford. Such advertising is an important source of income for the publishers and keeps the mag. solvent.
The background to this was that a very few unscrupulous manufacturers, including a boilermaking outfit, were using the website 'Classifieds' to avoid paying proper advertising fees, and thus gaining an unfair advantage over their competitors.
Fair enough, I could see that THAT needed to be stamped on, but as I repeatedly pointed out in emails to Neil, I am not a manufacturer, just an OAP supplementing pension income by offering any kind of workshop help to folks who need it, and for which I make a modest charge.
I suggested it might be useful for readers to have a small directory of people such as myself, offering any sort of help from their workshops, to those perhaps less well equipped or without sufficient time or certain skills. I envisaged that some would charge, whilst others might not; in either case it would be an easily accessible source of help to those in need of it.
It was all to no avail. Neil did take my suggestion to the Board, but it was rejected, which saddened me as not only did it cut me off from folk I might have helped (to our mutual advantage), but I felt an opportunity to introduce a genuinely valuable resource was being missed.
Perhaps I am mistaken. I should like to know what others think, both those who could offer help, on whatever basis, and those who have felt the need for it but didn't know where to turn. Is there a concensus of any sort ? Please post your opinions,