I’ve been having a play myself, and on a PC at least, it’s not as obvious as I’d hoped, even viewing the help files.
Sorry about lots of screenshots, I know they annoy some people, but it seemed the easiest way to explain; I just hope they don’t all go AWOL.
I might be missing the blindingly obvious, but I can’t find a way to generate a + code from my normal Google Maps front page; this one just links to Buxton generally.
e.g. I can zoom in to the tourist information, right click and get a Lat/Long, but can’t fins a + code anywhere
If however, I use a +code Google Maps front page, I get a different interface, note the different URL
I can now zoom in on the same location and find the box at the bottom of the screen, which is mentioned in the help pages;
Just copy/pasting that into the normal Google maps page is less than helpful, as unlike W3W, it’s not unique
Even specifying England doesn’t help that much
But add Buxton, and it works fine, even though “Buxton” vanishes from the search box when you press return
The odd thing, which took me a while to get my head around, if you just use the general Google search engine, rather then Google Maps, to search for the +code, you get an extra help link on the final displayed map.