Current spark ignition petrol engines, run at around 10:1 Compression ratios, to be efficient and to cope with the aftertreatment for low emissioins. My Aygo is Euro 6 compliant, it s 2005 MY Yaris predecessor certainly had a 10:1 C R, and was very fuel efficient!
The Air Standard Efficiency is related to the Compression Ratio; so the latter has tended to increase over the years, in the search for power and fuel efficiency.
The "Town gas" that we get nowadays is natural gas, so is probably likely to contain a butane / propane mix. What the detonation characteristics of that are, I do not know, (possibly low Octane rating?) but someone on here is sure to be conversant with the Octane or Cetane equivalence.
Also, the combustion chamber shape, and spark plug siting, will have an effect, from the point of view of ensuring the mixture being homogenous, (should be far better with a gaseous fuel than petrol ) and avoiding "end gas" which will contribute to a tendency to detonate. Detonation can be very destructive, so is to be avoided, plus the uncontrolled combustion does not improve power output or cylinder temperatures..
Not very specific as regards design, I am afraid.