a long time ago I found a photo of a parallel printer port dongle on line
it had 3 diodes , a capacitor and an IC
( not that I can find it now !!!)
it will need plugging into a parallel printer port at 378 hex
depending on how early a dongle it was
it could of been a ROM powered by a few pins set High (5V)
with the data lines set to one ROM address
the resulting KEY data being sent to the printer ports status inputs
(with an ASIC or PIC chip the key data can be encrypted)
the dongle could of been like this to pass all lines through to a printer —
serial versions that plugged into the RS232 ports have been made
seeing the ground pins 18 to 25 being connected together could distinguish the dongle from a RS232 serial version
Edited By john swift 1 on 19/12/2017 00:58:12