I’ll have you know the plants were all of the edible variety. Turns out that the courgettes were a bit of a disaster, but the peppers and chillies that are in the picture are still going strong in the greenhouse. Great in a salad and useful to give a curry a bit of zip!
Main problem with ‘elf ‘n’ safety is that I’m not strong enough to lift the boilers onto the worktop. It was bad enough getting them out of the car and into the kitchen, even with the help of my neighbour and his son, plus a decent sack trolley.
I’m not even going to show the tool and measuring equipment store; sorry I mean the dining room.
Neil: Gears made using the parallel depth tooth method I assume? I’m planning to use the same to make the mitre gears for the governors on the traction engine. Partly because they’ll be much too small to be practical by CNC and partly because I haven’t used the method before, so it will be instructive.