A blast from the past


A blast from the past

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    Michael Gilligan

      I bought this little beauty today … for old times’ sake




      It must be half a century since I have seen the relevant cans

      … and I doubt I would ever wish to drink such Beer again.

      So can anyone suggest a ‘re-purposing’




        ..it is Serendipity’s day to rejoice..



        Nigel Graham 2

          A new purpose….  Suds valve on a lathe with pumped coolant?

          duncan webster 1

            Why would they re-introduce a beer that was total **** back in the 70s. Even during my sojourn in London, late 60s/early 70s, you could get decent beer if you looked for it. We even had a trip round Young’s brewery. Draught horses, beam engines and a lock in in the sample room.


              What we want is Watney’s

              I remember Watney’s Red from my youthful years.

              Clive Foster

                Surely Watney’s and beer are incompatible concepts.


                Michael Gilligan
                  On Clive Foster Said:

                  Surely Watney’s and beer are incompatible concepts.


                  I thought much the same about Worthington’s … until I sampled ‘White Shield’


                  Nick Wheeler

                    Is it just me that read Worthingtons as Boddingtons? It’s Whitbread’s massive marketing campaign from the early 90’s that lead to everything ‘needing’ a head on it even if that meant supergluing the sparkler shut.

                    Michael Gilligan

                      For the avoidance of doubt: Worthington’s White Shield is [was 50 years ago] a proper traditional Pale Ale that needed careful pouring, so as to leave the finings in the shoulder of the bottle.

                      Modern incarnation here:




                      Edit: __ further reading here:


                      Mike Hurley

                        The only thing I remember about ‘party 7’ cans was going to partys with them only to find no one had got that little triangular tipped opener. Life & limb then risked with penknives, screwdrivers etc

                        Once it was open and you drank it you wondered why you had made the effort


                        Clive India

                          I have a solution I think.
                          Suggest you sell the item on and contact a Mr. T Taylor in Keighley, for advice on how to spend the money.

                          Interesting so many people have similar memories of Watney brewing skills as I do.
                          Amazing how much ‘beer’ you can sell if you buy up all the other brewers and outlets, supported by advertising.

                          Michael Gilligan


                            Dave Halford

                              Party 7’s conjures up an image of 1970’s kitchens with a hammer and screwdriver. Can’t think why.

                              Michael Gilligan

                                Here’s another retro-treat from my kitchen

                                Note the engineering credentials of the branding.




                                … who will be the first to make a scale model ?


                                bernard towers

                                  Not quite as old but out of the kitchen drawer.IMG_3750

                                  Les Riley

                                    I remember Party 7’s.

                                    When they were empty you could wrap them around with Fablon (sticky backed plastic) to make a waste bin.

                                    I had one in my bedroom for years until I left home!

                                    Nicholas Farr

                                      Hi, I can remember that Party Four’s were available before the Party Seven’s, and I also had one of those Sparklets Beertap’s that MichaelG has shown,. I can’t remember if the taps were adjustable or not, but mine would fit on both the the sizes, the Watney’s beer wasn’t all that good, not even in a pub, but there were others, I think I gave my tap to my eldest nephew, as he was quite fascinated by it, but he was too young to remember the cans. I’ve got an old can with the top cut out, which I use for putting odds & sods in.


                                      As you can see, that only held 3 pints.

                                      Regards Nick.

                                      P.S. Some may find this interesting, Party Cans (Amazon)

                                      Nigel Graham 2

                                        My Dad subscribed to Practical Householder magazine whose covering of everything the amateur can do from covering the kitchen in Fablon and Formica to building the house around it,  evokes comparison with the thread about the future of model-engineering.

                                        I do though recall one article describing a “Corner Bar” for your lounge – “front room” to our family.

                                        It was a quadrant counter probably complete with quilted-pattern Fablon for the front panel, perhaps too with Formica on the top; but definitely complete with a beer-engine for which the writer had also given the drawings.

                                        It looked right realistic, provided you managed to conceal from your impressed guests your opening of the crown-capped beer bottle and clipping it into the under-counter pouring mechanism operated via the impressive handle.


                                        And in strange link between “old” kitchen tools and modern yoof all thinking a “file” is something in a computer, a few years ago I was astonished by the battle a guest in my caving-club kitchen, had to open a crown-corked bottle of beer. She was using an ordinary, rotary can-opener by its can-opening end, blissfully unaware of the bottle-opening hook at the other end of the handle.

                                        Eventually, I said, “Turn it round!”.

                                        With a visage of utter puzzlement, she stared at this too-complex tool for a while (maybe it was too simple, with no computer to drive it). Then inverted it and resumed battle with the obstinately sealed bottle and the re-orientated opener’s can-opening end.

                                        I sighed, gently took the implement from her, reversed it and showed her the bottle-top hook.

                                        Light dawned at last!

                                        She was much more highly edumificated than me, but never had I thought I would ever see a university student baffled by a beer bottle-opener. Whatever she was studying for, I decided, was clearly not a Degree in Catering.


                                        I thought only we of bus-pass age would be familiar with Fablon and Formica; but a quick search revealed, no, these two facing materials are still available!



                                        Right, I’ve had my coffee, so back out to the workshop for an hour or so afore tea. Metal doesn’t get worked all by itself.

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