Posted by not done it yet on 28/12/2020 09:11:52:
Guessing here, but fix might be 1) bore oversize, 2) fix in bushes, 3) machine holes in correct relation to each other, 4) ream and 5) replace pivot pin.
That's the general plan.
Found I don't have T-nuts to fit cross slide on lathe, (the set that came with it don't fit,
Got them several years and this is the first time I've tried them 
got to make some and some accurate height packing so I can bore hole as shown in article (I don't trust mill to get it accurate yet, lets fix one thing at a time)
Luckily I bought a cross slide table about 17~18 years ago intending to make the milling vice for lathe and still had it sitting on shelf. (life does tend to get in the way of things but I haven't needed to sell stuff off yet)
It's actually a lot more accurate than the tilting vice.(less than 0.001" over 5" – with a 0.002" shim under one end of parallel)
Got some A36 steel fly-cut last night to correct thickness, (0.570", 14.5mm)
it was a piece of scrap so wrong orientation to make a 'row' of T-nuts. Seems about normal, no matter how much 'stuff' you have there is always something different you need
If I had the cash and motivation I would get rid of the stuff I have and get everything standardised for tooling instead of 5 different T-nuts, Imperial and metric threads plus different tooling (3/16" to 5/8" sq)
At least R8 taper is standard on mini mill so mill drill can use it but still need Morse for lathe and rotary table, you can never have 'too much stuff' for a milling machine
Adds up and gets expensive even for cheap imports , but, I'm told it's still cheaper than golf? 
Edited By Peter Jones 20 on 28/12/2020 23:34:33