Following the recent thread about the Stuart Dynamo I finally got round to testing a 775 motor to see if it would be worth using as the basis for a dynamo that could be driven off a typical model steam engine. Well the results are in and I can reveal IT WILL.
So the lash up consists of:
My first steam model in the form of a Stuart 10V running on air at 30psi I’m sure I could build a better running one now.
12V 3W LED cabinet light
775 Motor with a bit of scrap ali bar and two O rings to pick up drive from the 10V flywheel.
I’m not too worried about volts and amps as like most people I’ll be happy that the lamp lights up.
So time to develop this a bit more and then make some swarf. There should be no need to extend the shafts as I’ll be cutting down the motor’s can so the brushes can be seen