Other day Malc the scrappie called in for a cuppa and to see if he could borrow a 7/16" BSP die.
I said I'd never heard of one, didn't mean to say there wasn't one, just I'd not heard of one.
He insisted he'd got the taps but no die.
So looked in various books, World screw threads, MH, Machinery screw threads book but all list 1/4", 3/8" then 1/2"
Even the specialised tap and die people don't list one.?
Anyway he popped in again to day with a tap and sure enough it's clearly stamped 7/16" BSP x 19 threads and it looks to be about the right size, looks close to a 3/4" UNF as a guide size.
Even took a picture

Anyone else heard or seen of a 7/16" BSP ??
John S.
Edited By John Stevenson on 20/03/2012 22:36:03