Oh dear, the Golden Chestnut rears its ugly head AGAIN. Pity none of the old designers are no longer with us, they could be horsewhipped or lined up against a wall and machine gunned. That would ensure they never again made erroneous drawing/dimensional errors. Many items on the "Flee" ? the advertisers obviously don't have the ability/intelligence/determination to sort the problems or have swept them up from an estate sale and hope to be able to retire on the proceeds of an "Antique hand built" sale.
First, many of the drawings were originated BY HAND under the constraints of a limited timescale WITHOUT the advantages of CAD and 3D modelling facilities and the final customer being the checking facility.
In Industry, when DRAUGHTSMEN were employed to design and produce drawings for manufacture even the CHECKERS missed paper recorded errors and it wasn't until the design hit the shop floor that these were spotted and recorded. In the case of our "Toy" trains, errors cost the builder tens of pounds/dollars/yen. In industry, the quantity of the finished product determines the urgency of drawing mods on a COST basis, loss of a few thousand pounds, sort it out on the "Shop floor", mass production? sort drawings PDQ. This is not news to anyone who has actually worked in a DRAWING OFFICE and understands what is involved in the Mod system.
Todays suppliers are few and far between so trying to castigate one ( "Not Fit Foe Purpose"
for a set of drawings probably not originated by themselves is a LITTLE offside. BCAD, the weapons of choice were a razor blade, pounce and a bottle of ink and the ability to understand the interaction of associated parts to changing ONE dimension. Many of todays designs are transposed, parrot fashion, by GRAPHICS persons who can produce a pretty picture but know naff all about how steam engines/locomotives work and despite the intricacies of electronic assistance, can still manage to miss record digits.
Never ceases to amuse those who chime "Is there a metric version"? With todays instant draughtsman program(me)s, it's the mere press of a button to instantly change for imperial to metric so what's the Problem? The problem is, the interaction of the various bits to each other in TRUE metrication of a design, an inch at 25.4mm has to be machined from something bigger if you say this is a metric "Conversion" rather than 25mm and UNDERSTANDING what difference (16 thou) makes to the design and the parts ASSOCIATED to it. So, IF YOU THINK YOU'RE BRAVE ENOUGH, HAVE A GO. Sadly, many were away from skool the day they did Maffs and an ability to count to more than twenty. Also, the inability for some keyboard warriors to locate the spline chunk button for English.
So PLEASE stop trying to shoot the messengers and as a modification to an old statement for those whose disposable income, so "What shall I do now?"far exceeds their ability, Six munce ago I cutn't even speel Muddle ingineer and now i are one.
Regards Ian
Long retired Drafty and Engineer.