Recently I had to cut numerous various sized threads in steel & brass, Metric and imperial using both HSS and Inserts. My lathe is only a moderate sized bench job. I ended up using a variety of methods both straight plunge in and angled compound slide ( the angle isn't that critical – it's only there to ensure the cut only takes place on one side of the tool so reducing the loading )
Overall, I couldn't really see much difference between any of them! Maybe my standards aren't as high as some guys on here, but essentially as long as the thread is the right size and fits the job as I want, I'm happy.
My only advice, echoing old mart's comment, is to carefully reduce the in feed the deeper you get – may seem tedious but try to keep the feed to quite small amounts ( as long at it still cuts as opposed to rubbing ) that way you should get a good finish and accurate thread form. Like most things, the more you practice the better your results will be.
p.s because I can't get a slow enough speed on my machine, all threads were hand-cranked.