6″ Ruston Proctor Traction Engine – Model Build


6″ Ruston Proctor Traction Engine – Model Build

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  • #211894
    Paul Lousick

      As I supported the request for more build threads thru a previous post, I am adding the build of my 6" Ruston Proctor Steam Traction Engine.

      Even though the model is a half size scale model of the original, it is only a medium size engine. The original engine weighed 3 1/2 tons and the model will weigh about 650 kg. It has a 10" dia boiler and the rear wheels are 24" diameter. Small enough to transport is a standard 6' x 4' box trailer.

      001 6-rp-01 ga (medium).jpg

      A set of drawings and castings was obtained from Live Steam Models and shipped by sea freight to Sydney, Australia.

      003castings (medium).jpg

      The drawings for the model engine were drawn with imperial dimensions and specified inch size plates and pipe, many of which were not available. The biggest change that I had to make was making the boiler. The drawing specified a barrel of 10" OD (254mm) but this size is not available in commercial pipe, unless you rolled a special tube. I decided to use10" NB pressure pipe (273mm OD) but this meant changing the width of the engine. The distance over the horn plate was now wider which effected the width of the rear axle and most of the components.

      Because of all these changes and some mistakes and missing dimensions, I re-drew all parts of the engine using Solidworks CAD software and created my own set of detail drawings.

      002-rp-000 engine assembly 3 (medium).jpg

      I had worked for most of my working life as a mechanical engineering draftsman but have had little experience actually running a mill and a lathe and was advised by a toolmaker to start with the front wheels as they were a good introduction to the different machining techniques.

      004 milling slots for spokes (medium).jpg

      Milling the slots in the front wheel hubs for the spokes.

      To bend the wheel spokes, I used a press which I converted from a 12 tonne pipe bender and machined an angled plate to press against.

      05 0press (medium).jpg

      Home Made 12 Tone Press

      007 press (medium).jpg

      The angle base plate for pressing bend in spokes required a little trial and error to achieve the correct angle to overcome the spring-back in the spoke angle when the press was released. This arrangement produced a consistent bend angle in all of the spokes.

      008 pressing spokes 2 (medium).jpg

      011 deilling spokes (medium).jpg

      The holes in the spokes being stack drilled for the rivets which attach them to the wheel rim.

      014 drilling spokes (medium).jpg

      Wheel assembly mounted on a temporary axle which is bolted to the mill table. All spokes assembled in the wheel hub and the wheel ring centered about the axle and mounting holes drilled.

      015 bush (medium).jpg

      I did not have an accurate way to measure the bore for the wheel hub, only an outside micrometer, so made a Go/NoGo plug gauge. Then used the plug gauge to transfer the diameter to the bush. With the dial indicator I could machine the bush slightly bigger for a press fit.

      The plug gauge became a universal tool for measuring and was also used as the axle which I used to assemble and drill the spokes on the mill. (shown in previous photo).

      016 pressing bush (medium).jpg

      Pressing bronze bush into wheel hub

      Paul Lousick

        6″ Ruston Proctor Traction Engine Model Build


          Hello Paul,

          Thanks for starting this build thread, I am building a 6" Burrell traction engine, been on it for 4 1/2 years. hopefully be running next year……………………….

          I have put pictures on here now and again, gear cutting, making wheels , general machining and assembly etc.

          I will be following with interest.

          Good luck with your build,


          Paul Lousick

            Hi Richard, The 6" Burrell is a nice engine although much bigger than my 6" Ruston. Have been working on mine for about 3 years. Hopefully only 1 more to go.

            011 machining yoke (medium).jpg

            Machining the yoke which supports the front axle on my Sieg SX3 mill.

            012 boring yoke (medium).jpg

            Boring hole in yoke to accept a pivot pin for the front axle after a bit of fettling on the rough casting

            014 spring retainer (medium).jpg

            Milling 2 side plates for the spring retainer on a rotary table.

            The side plates were then welded to and end plate to complete the fabrication below.

            015 spring retainer1 (medium).jpg

            The leaf spring retainer for the front axle is complete. My first attempt at cutting a thread on my lathe.

            019 axle (medium).jpg

            The front axle was supplied as a casting and the ends machined for a running fit on the wheel bushes. and the larger diameter on the axle ends are a modification from the original design for a lip seal.

            019a front wheel assy (medium).jpg

            Front wheel and axle assembly almost finished.  (Wheels are 18" diameter).  I still have to rivet the spokes to the rims and add rubber tyres.  I would like to vulcanize the rubber to the rims but this is very expensive and may have to glue them instead.


            Edited By Paul Lousick on 13/11/2015 21:26:33

            Michael Gilligan


              Thanks for starting this … and please keep the thread going.

              What you are building is WAY out of my league; but I shall be following with great interest.


              Paul Lousick

                Thanks Michael,

                I have always had an interest in old machinery, having learnt to drive a tractor at 8 years old on a farm. My friends have full size traction engines but I do not have room at my home and my wife cannot understand why I would want a 10 ton monster sitting the back yard. Building a model seemed the way to go.


                Paul Lousick

                  CONSTRUCTION of REAR WHEELS

                  The rear wheels which are similar in construction to the front wheels but larger and more complex. The wheels are 24" diameter x 5 inches wide. The LH hub can be disconnected from the drive gears and free-wheel by removing 2 pins. A rope winch can then be engaged to haul objects while the engine is stationary.

                  I do not have a set of rolls to make the wheel rims so so paid for them to be supplied. The spokes were laser cut and I gave a CAD drawing to the laser company in .dxf format. They were supplied within 0.2mm of the required size and only needed a slight lick with a linisher to finish.

                  021 machining rear wheel slots (medium).jpg

                  The RH fixed hub was mounted on a rotary table and is located on center by a specially turned bush which fits the hole in the table and the bore of the hub. The mill head was then centered on the bore.

                  The position for the slots was then marked out on the top surface by painting with a black "Texta" pen and scribing their outline with a sharp pointer held in the mill chuck. Slots were then cut.

                  022 tapping rear wheel hub (medium).jpg

                  Holes for attaching spokes drilled, then tapped, using the mill to guide the tap and keep it vertical.

                  023 countersinking rear wheel hub (medium).jpg

                  The mill table was moved from the datum center position to drill bolt holes and countersink. Rotary table indexed to drill the next hole.

                  024 free wheel hub (medium).jpg

                  Drilling, tapping and counterboring holes in the left hand (free wheeling) hub

                  025 rear wheel cover (medium).jpg

                  Machining the cover for the LH rear wheel hub on my 9" Southbend lathe.

                  026 rear wheel hub assy (medium).jpg

                  Assembly and machining of attachment holes for LH rear wheel hub.

                  027 rear wheel spokes (medium).jpgLaser cut, rear wheel spokes being drilled in a simple jig on the mill table The positions for the holes was stored in the DRO , allowing for quick repeated drilling of all spokes.

                  028 rh rear wheel assy (medium).jpg

                  Final assembly and drilling of holes to attach the spokes to the ring on the RH rear wheel.

                  029 lh rear wheel assy (medium).jpg

                  Final assembly and drilling of holes to attach the spokes to the ring on the LH rear wheel. The spokes are attached with temporary bolts which will be replaced by 1/4" dia round head rivets.

                  This was then welded to the outer wheel rim and the fillet weld ground to produce a smooth fillet. When painted it should look like a fillet in a cast wheel. The

                  Neil Wyatt

                    This is great stuff Paul,

                    Keep it coming


                    Paul Lousick

                      Hi Neil,

                      Someone asked for build threads and foolishly I put my hand up and did not realize how much work was involved but I will keep it coming. Lots more yet.


                      Paul Lousick

                        REAR AXLE BEARING HOUSING

                        The original, full size traction engine had a sprung rear axle but the model only has a rigid axle. The housing is a similar shape but does not have any springs.

                        030 axle bearing - machine outside (medium).jpg

                        Locating center ho housing with an edge finder and machining outside diameter.

                        031 axle bearing boring (medium).jpg

                        Boring the inside of the housing. This opening was intended to be an oil reservoir for lubricating the axle bush but I intend to fit a screw-type grease lubricator instead.

                        032 drilling (medium).jpg

                        Drilling and tapping the mounting holes for a spring retaining plate. This will only be a dummy / look-alike on the model engines.

                        033 tapping (medium).jpg

                        The bottom of the oil reservoir was fitted with a small pipe and a wick which transferred oil to the bush but I am using grease instead because the housing does not have any shaft seals to retain oil and it runs thru and marks the driveway.

                        035 axle bearing honing (medium).jpg

                        Machining of the housing finished and bush fitted. The bore of the bronze bush was slightly undersize after pressing and a bit tight for a running fit with the shaft so I used a car honing tool to open up the bore to the correct size.

                        Note: The round rod on the left is from the bar stock which I am using for the rear axle. It is ground 1.75", grade 4140 steel. I also had a piece of mild steel bright bar (1020 grade) which I was using for a temporary set-up and found that it was slightly undersize compared to the ground bar.

                        The reduced diameter on the end of the rod fits into a base plate which is mounted on the mill table and is used when I assembled and drilled holes for the spokes.

                        mal webber

                          Hi Paul very nice work, looking forward to following this build.


                          Paul Lousick


                            040 countershaft.jpg

                            The countershaft is the Intermediate shaft between the crankshaft and the axle which supports the gears. This is a 2-speed engine with 2 different diameter gears on the RH side for the different travel speeds.

                            041 tirning (medium).jpg

                            A simple turning job on the lathe to machine the bore and location diameters on the outside.

                            042 tapping (medium).jpg

                            The housing is mounted on a rotary table for milling a flat on the casting and tapping a thread for the lubricator.

                            043 spotface (medium).jpg

                            Rotary table mounted vertically and centered under the mill. The mill table was then moved sideways to machine flats on the casting flange. The spot faces were made with an end mill and cut by moving the milling table sideways because plunge cutting would not produce a flat surface.

                            044 holes (medium).jpg

                            Drilling holes for bolts.

                            045 countershaft bearing assy (medium).jpg

                            Finished counter shaft bearing housing with oil lubricator. (Flip top lubricators are commercially available and cheaper than making your own). A bronze bush still to be inserted with an interference fit.

                            (Note: Photo taken under a different light which produced the bronze casting color)

                            Paul Lousick


                              050 crankshaft bearing (medium).jpg

                              The crankshaft is supported by 2 bearing assemblies, one on each side. The bronze bushes are split into 3 parts and are adjusted for the fit with the crankshaft by replacing shims, Alignment of the shaft (forwards and back) is also adjusted by shims.

                              051 crankshaft bearing assy exploded (medium).jpg

                              Crankshaft bearing assembly (alignment shims not shown)

                              052 crankshaft housing (medium).jpg

                              Machining of the crankshaft bearing housing

                              052b crankshaft housing lathe (medium).jpg

                              The housing was a difficult shape to hold in the lathe, so I made a temporary plate which was bolted to 2 of the mounting holes and held it by a 4 jaw chuck. Then turned the location diameters which fit into matching holes in the engine horn plates.

                              053 marking bush (medium).jpg

                              The sides of the supplied bronze casting for the bush was milled to square it up, Then painted with a black Texta pen and the position for saw cuts marked out with the aid a scriber in the mill.

                              054 sawing 1 (medium).jpg

                              First saw cut thru both sides.

                              055 sawing 2 (medium).jpg

                              Second saw cuts

                              056 milling (medium).jpg

                              The sawn faces of the cut bush pieces being milled smooth

                              057 solderred (medium).jpg

                              I made a temporary heating hearth out of aerorated concrete blocks and joined the bush together with soft solder. The solder will be melted and the bush separated after final machining.

                              058 final machining (medium).jpg

                              Final machining of the bronze bush assembly,

                              Paul Lousick

                                REAR WHEEL RIM ASSEMBLY AND MACHINING

                                The rims on the rear engine wheels are 24" diameter and are fixed to the spokes with 1/4" round head rivets. There is also a brake drum on each wheel.

                                060 rear wheel assy 2.jpg

                                061 grinding wheel rims (medium).jpg

                                The wheel hub and spokes were positioned on the wheel rims and tack welded in position. The spoke positions were all numbered so they could be re-assembled in their original position and the rim and ring removed for final welding then ground smooth. I used a 6mm wide grinding wheel in an angle grinder to produce a smooth fillet corner that will look like a cast wheel when painted.

                                062 rolling brake ring (medium).jpg

                                The steel rings for the wheel brakes were rolled from 32 x 8mm flat bar in 2 pieced. (easier than trying to make a complete circle) and plug welded to the inside of the wheel rim. The brake rings were rolled to a close fit with the rims then clamped in position to make an exact match with the rims and plug welded.

                                063 drilling holes for welding (medium).jpg

                                Drilling and countersinking holes for plug welds.

                                064 machining brake  (medium).jpg

                                The brake rings were turned to be concentric with the wheel axis. This 24" dia wheel was too big for my 9" lathe so used a mates. His can turn 4 foot diameter. That was fun to operate a big machine.

                                nigel jones 5

                                  Very very nice to see this thread! Good effort!

                                  Michael Gilligan

                                    Stunned, I am

                                    This thread is definitely a 'Must Read"



                                      This is good, please keep it going

                                      Paul Lousick

                                        Thanks for the positive feedback. It is time consuming to compile the posts but I will keep them coming. Paul.

                                        Harry Wilkes

                                          Nice work going to be a very nice engine when finished please keep the photos coming !!!



                                            Excellent build diary!

                                            Soft soldering of bearing halves has never worked for me, for some reason. sad So as an alternative I made a jig that located both crankshaft bearing castings and the crankshaft bearings:

                                            boring crankshaft bearings.jpg

                                            That way I ensured that the bores are co-radial with the circular location features on the castings and that guarantees the whole shebang lines up when bolted to the hornplates without the need for line boring in situ.


                                            Paul: You may like to look at your PMs

                                            mark mc

                                              Nice work! I do like a nice traction engine.

                                              Paul Lousick

                                                Some more photos of the wheel assembly

                                                065 spokes (medium).jpg

                                                The spokes are retained in a slotted hole the wheel hub and held in place by countersunk cap screws

                                                066 drilling (medium).jpg

                                                The countersunk cap screws can be seen here. The spokes are a slide fit into the hub slots and at assembly will be coated with epoxy glue to fill any gaps and seal them against moisture. A cover plate is bolted onto the outside of the hub thru the holes in the spokes into threaded holes in the hub.

                                                067 drilling 2 (medium).jpg

                                                068 drilling (medium).jpg

                                                Wheel turned over to drill spokes on the other side

                                                069 assembly (medium).jpg

                                                Hub and spoke assembly with temporary bolts which will be replaced by rivets after it has been welded to the wheel rim. Hub cover shown in place

                                                Paul Lousick


                                                  The flywheel is 15" diameter x 2" wide and was supplied as a casting. Again, I had to use a mates lathe as it was too big for my little Southbend.

                                                  071 flywheel.jpg

                                                  I used the inside lip on the flywheel to hold it in a 4-jaw chuck. The lip was small and slightly tapered, so cut a center hole and used the tail stock while turning the outside and the side of the boss in case it came loose. Then drilled a hole thru the casting and bored the hole to the correct size.

                                                  072 flywheel machined.jpg

                                                  The crown on the outside edge was formed by cutting a slight taper on each edge, then blending it into a radius. The flywheel then rotated and held by the boss to machine the other side.

                                                  Paul Lousick

                                                    PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE

                                                    I ordered a gunmetal casting for the pressure relief valve body and a tension spring. The remaining parts were made from materials which I purchased (or scrounged) locally.

                                                    0801 milling base (medium).jpg

                                                    Base of the valve body being milled flat

                                                    0802 milling top (medium).jpg

                                                    Casting top machined and port holes being marked out.

                                                    0803 drilling ports (medium).jpg

                                                    Holes for the two valve ports being drilled.

                                                    0804 boring ports (medium).jpg

                                                    Recessed holes for valve inserts bored to size

                                                    0805 cover (medium).jpg

                                                    The valve cover was made from a piece of brass bar and cut to a rough shape. The saw, held in a collet chuck sliced thru the brass like butter.

                                                    0806 turning cover (medium).jpg

                                                    Turning the valve cover.

                                                    0807 inserts (medium).jpg

                                                    The drawings for the pressure relief valve had brass insert with a flat surface on top to seal against the mating part. I made my inserts from stainless steel with a tapered seat.

                                                    0808 pressing inserts (medium).jpg

                                                    Using a vice to press the insert into place.

                                                    0809 milling lever slot (medium).jpg

                                                    Cover bolted in place for milling a slot for the valve retention lever

                                                    0810 valve (medium).jpg

                                                    Valve insert being turned from brass bar stock.

                                                    0811 milling valve (medium).jpg

                                                    Three vertical slots being milled in the side of the wing valve on a rotary table.

                                                    0812 turning valve (medium).jpg

                                                    Machining the sealing face of the wing valve.

                                                    0813 spring post (medium).jpg

                                                    Pin for valve spring being machines.

                                                    0814 access hole (medium).jpg

                                                    A cut-out in the side is provided for access to a nut inside which is used to adjust the spring tension.

                                                    0815 lever (medium).jpg

                                                    Machining of the valve lever which keeps the valve inserts in position.

                                                    0816 parts (medium).jpg

                                                    0817 parts 2 (medium).jpg

                                                    Finished valve parts prior to assembly

                                                    0818 valve assembly (medium).jpg

                                                    Pressure relief valve fully assembled.

                                                    Note the holes in the side of the retaining nut inside which are used to set the release pressure by adjusting the load on the spring. The nut is retained by a lock wire to stop it coming loose after the pressure is set.

                                                    Paul Lousick

                                                      TESTING VALVE SEALS & SETTING RELEASE PRESSURE

                                                      0820 testing plate (medium).jpg

                                                      The pressure relief valve attached to a testing plate for checking for leaks with the valve inserts and for doing a preliminary release pressure setting. Each valve can be checked individually.

                                                      Note: these tests can be done with compressed air but the final setting must be done on the engine with steam.

                                                      0821 testing plate 2 (medium).jpg

                                                      The test plate has an “O”-ring that seals against the underside of the valve, allowing each side to be tested independently.

                                                      0822 test plate on steam chest (medium).jpg

                                                      The test plate can also be used to blank off the steam chest when the boiler is being tested.

                                                      Note: This test must be done by pumping water into the boiler. Air within the boiler must be purged before pressurizing the boiler because air is an expandable medium and if the boiler fails, could explode. Water does not compress (well not much) and if the boiler fails under pressure does not explode.

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