Hi Dick, It's good to hear that you are having a go at a 'Racer'. There are a few others but your's is the first to suggest a reed valve. Is it to be watercooled too ?
A reed valve should not be that difficult to make – my original version as a young lad was such and I remember buggering it up well and truly .
It was a well worn engine and not knowing that it was a reed valve at the time I removed the backplate to see if the lack of suction could be improved. Instead of the rotor I was expecting there was this small brass shim covering the intake hole and fastened by a screw or a rivet in the centre of the backplate – where the rotor pin goes. I plucked it with my fingernail and immediately bent it rendering it useless. The model shop owner at the time – later to become a lifelong friend – fixed by simply using a piece of broken razor blade. (That would be the carbon type not the stainless)
I'm sure you realise but just in case – if you do make a reed version there is no need to mill out the radial timing pocket but just bring the intake hole right through, the reed just needs to cover the port. I'm not sure how the timing as set up will work with a reed valve – they can have the propensity to run backward but I'd be pleased to hear of the outcome.
Thank you for your wishes – I've recovered very well but have now gone down with the dreaded 'Man – Flu' – aren't women so lucky not to get it
Regards – Ramon
Edited By Ramon Wilson on 12/03/2012 16:11:55