Ramon has (I think we all agree) produced some superb example of model diesel engines, with excellent articles to enthuse the rest of us to have a go (me included). And he has even gone so far as help with suggested sources of fuel “off the shelf” – or should I say “ready mixed”!
I have a slightly different background to Ramon in as much as I’m still very much engaged with control contest models, primarily FAI Class F2C – in English that’s Team Racing (3 models in the same circle at the same time, racing against each other. At less than 15 secs for TEN laps, that’s fast n exiciting!.
But back to the point – have you thought of mixing your own fuel?
I am also different to Ramon in as much as I have live doutside UK for many years so have not really experienced the dreaded ” ‘elf n safety” at first hand. But I would have thought you could still buy the 3 basic ingredients you need to mix your own, namely paraffin, castor oil, and ether.
Where I live (Switzerland) there are also (many) rules n regs but I was able to get castor oil and ether from the local chemist – in Switz you need a special signature in the poisons book (for the ether) but the 1st time I went there wearing decent clothes but carrying a (deliberatelysmelly) engine, and using (deliberately mangled) Swiss-German. After 5 mins of “explanation” of what I wanted ether and castor oil for the poor lady’s eyes just glazed over and I got what I wanted. Now I just go back there and get the stuff 1st time, no probs.
Ady you want just the same ether that vets use (used to use?) for operating on animals, and only a small bottle (a half pint is enough) will do you fine. The castor oil should not be a problem either, especially since you can accept “any” non-medicinal castor oil as you’re not after out n out performance (i.e. high temps for quite long periods, like racers need).
For performance work I also needed IPN (Iso Propyl Nitrate) which I solved by the same route as the above chemist (poor lady!). But you don’t need IPN at all for “just” bench running or even for a little sport flying.
So if you can find a friendly chemist I think the above 2 ingredients problem can be solved.
Re paraffin, probably UK garages and hardware stores (like Swiss ones) no longer sell it (the days of Valor stoves are largely gone). But alternatives are easy – a gallon of car diesel fuel from the garage pump or some central heating oil will work perfectly well, again as you don’t need max performance (being a bloke who works with full-size aeroplanes, I use Avtur – jet engine fuel – where you do get max performance – sometimes).
So could I respectfully suggest you try something like the above wherever you live Ady? If you get the stuff I’ll tell you how to (safely) mix it into a perfectly workable (and SAFE for you and the engine) model diesel engine fuel.
Good luck