Posted by Ron Laden on 17/05/2019 07:58:24:
An artist I am not, so I hope my attempt at a Thomas type face will get the girls approval. Sunday will be our two great grand daughters first outing with the loco and to turn up at the track with a faceless engine would not go down well…lol
I had to quickly come up with something so made up a removable card cover that fits over the radiator grill. I did most of it with a compass including the s/adh vinyl cut with a compass cutter.
Anyway the best I could do but the girls wont be slow in telling me.
Well a good time was had by all, yesterday was the first track day for the girls plus our 9 year old grandson came along as well. The three of them really did enjoy themselves and to be honest more than I expected. Fitting runs in between other track users we had about one and a half hours track time which was good.
They all had some driving time with me as the brake man and considering the girls are just 6 & 7 they did really well. The grandson took to it like a duck to water, a couple of circuits and he had it sorted, using a combination of throttle and brake he had just about the ideal speed for all parts of the track. The girls thought the Thomas face was "cool" so I was on a winner there but grandson thought the loco looked better without the face.
I suppose I had better mention it, but I got a yellow card plus a polite ticking off as I was spotted driving through a red track light….oops. I wasnt the only one though, two of the steamer guys had done the same, one of them has over 20 years experience so he came in for quite a bit of stick.
The weather was good and the wife had packed a nice picnic which topped off the day….very nice.