5″ gauge SAR 15F model


5″ gauge SAR 15F model

Home Forums Locomotives 5″ gauge SAR 15F model

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      Design and manufacture of a famous South African Locomotive


        I am currently designing a 5" gauge model at a scale of 1.5" to the foot of this the most numerous South African steam locomotive.The 15F. A total of more than 250 of these engines were built in the late 1930's to mid 1940's. Most of them were built in the UK.

        SAR 15f.jpg

        I have made the wheel patterns

        Wheel patterns big.jpg

        Driving and Coupled Wheels.

        Tender and leading truck patterns.jpgLeading Truck and Tender wheel patterns.

        Frames 1.jpg

        Laser cut frames in 15mm thick steel

        Brake hanger 1.jpg

        Brake hanger pattern produced by 3D printing for lost wax casting

        Frame assy 5.jpg

        3D CAD design of frame axle and suspension assembly

        Nigel Bennett

          That's a pretty impressive loco to build – and in 5"G it will be a similar size to a 7.1/4"G Standard gauge loco! My current project is a wee bit smaller – I can actually just pick it up – and I've used 3D CAD to design it all.

          I wish I'd actually finished the CAD model properly before making some of the bits, because I've found I need to do semi-impossible things to fit the metal bits I hadn't done on the "virtual" loco…

          Has anybody ever done a model of David Wardale's Class 26NC "Red Devil" with all the gizmos? That would be something to occupy a few idle hours.

          Enjoy the project; I look forward to seeing it develop.


            Jim Nolan is doing a 7 1/4" gauge model of the 25NC Nigel. That is very impressive



              This is my design for the cylinder castings for this model. The castings will take from 2 1/4" to 2 3/4" bores

              cylinder assembly.jpg


                I have been concentrating on the front truck design. The axle bearings are back to back taper roller bearings as on the original. I have also used a taper roller bearing for the pivot.

                front truck assembly 11103.jpg

                front truck assembly 11102.jpg

                cast frame black top.jpg

                frame assy 11101.jpg

                Boiler Bri

                  Nice work on the 3d cad. One way of making sure it all fits.

                  What package are are you drawing with?

                  That's going to be a big model.



                    Hi Bri,

                    Yes it is going to be a bit on the large sidesmiley

                    Thanks. I use Alibre (now called Geomagic) for my 3D CAD




                      Picked up (not all together as the total weight is 34kg) the full set of wheel castings for the loco.

                      total loco set.jpg

                      wheel detail.jpg

                      truck wheels.jpg


                        Update on the progress:

                        15 f cylinder pattern.jpg

                        Cylinder pattern and coreboxes

                        15f saddle pattern.jpg

                        Saddle pattern and corebox

                        15f cyls plus saddle castings.jpg

                        Cylinder and saddle castings straight from the foundry

                        Neil Wyatt

                          Very impressive! Lovely patternmaking.



                            Thanks Neil



                              Have you copies of works drawings to work to?



                                Hi John,

                                Yes I have all the works drawings for all of the SAR locos. I am using them to produce my own working drawings for the 15f and the 16DA engines

                                julian atkins

                                  Eric is making these commercially. he is a very clever chap and i have the upmost respect for his work. however there is a forum rule about commercial advertising on this site. perhaps Eric could take note.





                                    I thank you with the spirit of the season most gratefully for your kind words though I think a little back handed. I would ask you: Have you seen me advertising my as you say so called attributes on these pages? Have you seen me give links to commercial websites where I sell these things? Do I by the medium of the classified columns seek to sell my wares?. Yes I suppose like many in this and other such comic forums plug my expertise. I do so here to show that it is very nice to be able to produce pretty pictures derived from 3D CAD but it is indeed an entirely different matter to translate these cartoons into solid matter that perform a function. As far as commercialism is concerned the term implies a profit being enjoyed. This in my case would indeed be a novelty. I made a far greater profit selling beer in my pub when I had one.


                                    (Chartered Engineer)

                                    julian atkins

                                      hi eric,

                                      your reply is a bit confusing as you run a commercial business selling castings! i follow your facebookpage about your business!

                                      whether you make a profit is rather here nor there! some of the most well known commercial ME suppliers make hardly any profit. the fact is that what you do is not as an amateur or ME hobbyist, but as a commercial business, and you have links with one particular commercial undertaking.



                                      Edited By julian atkins on 27/12/2015 00:08:24

                                      John Stevenson 1


                                        Don't tell me let me guess.

                                        You found the sixpence in the Christmas pud and broke your dentures ?

                                        I have followed some of Eric's posts and from the writing was not aware of any commercial links. He certainly didn't push them but don't worry a commercial engine of this size in 5" gauge will be well outside the pocket money most people on here are prepared to spend so I don't see what use any advertising will do.


                                          Julian, I had a word with Eric very early on when he was posting his progress with the Lister castings and he has stuck by what I asked him to do eg no reference to the commercial side of things.

                                          Though you have now made people aware that these parts are availablewink 2

                                          Should we also be asking John to stop posting his bodgers lodge items as that could also be considered commercial and there are several others here who also post work that earns them money.



                                            Can I also ask that if anyone has concerns about a post that they use the "Report" flag at the bottom of every post rather than wade in on the thread. That way the Mods will see it quicker as we can't read every thread as soon an a post is added.

                                            It also saves the person getting free advertising as now anyone who reads this thread will know that Eric sells the castings due to Julians post.


                                            Edited By JasonB on 27/12/2015 14:14:20

                                            John Stevenson 1

                                              I think it's more a case of jealousy than anything else.

                                              No where did Eric link to his products or website, in fact I was completely in the dark about his operation. Which proves that Jason's talk to Eric was working.

                                              Personally I'm fascinated on his use of 3D printing to get castings and would really like to see more on this.

                                              On the other hand no one has complained about the blatant advertising by Harold Hall to his website or books, which he earns money from.

                                              Where do we draw a line ?


                                                As usual,

                                                Julian strides where "angels" fear to tread. rainbow


                                                  I do hope that Eric doesn't desert this forum as the result of some petty opinion, I don't see any commercial advertising in Eric's posts, and like JS I would like to see more of this mans work which is of great interest for a model engineer.


                                                  Neil Wyatt

                                                    It's far better to use the 'report' link on any post to draw it to the attention of the moderators, as all that has been achieved here is to draw wider attention to a commercial interest – I will take it on trust that this wasn't intentional.



                                                      Please keep the progress reports coming Eric. I was lucky enough to drive a full size 15F (and a 15CA) at Leeuhoff, Vereeniging, on a few different occasions in 1988. They have had a place in my heart ever since.

                                                      Like JS, I wasn't aware of any commercial activity until Julian's comment but I certainly am now…


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