Grrr – ok, after getting a good power supply from the Printrbot people (shipped free of charge, thank you Printrbot) and getting the printer actually moving last weekend, last night it seems that one of the driver chips on the board is no longer working.
I was trying to measure how much filament is going in to the extruder, when I heard a little "snick" off in the direction of the printrbot electronics board, and the extruder stopped. moving the plugs around; the extruder stepper works fine, but whatever I plug into the extruder stepper plug on the board does not move.
Good news is that, Printrbot has a $10.00 replacement program, bad news is that it is probably not going to be back here in time for an exhibition in a couple of weeks.
Oh well, I had hoped to print off some little railway wheels as giveaways for the kiddies, but that is not to be!
They're just going to have to watch my little CNC Unimat lathe move around, instead.
Another JohnS