I just got a quotation for producing this item by 3D printing methods using the cheapest material……£144………It is far cheaper to produce it by CNC machining on my router.
Been following Shapeways since the beginning (ex. colleague is CTO) and also sometimes use our Stratasys printer @work (for work things) and do CNC at home. (ex. colleague and I worked on the graphics standards used behind the scenes at Shapeways)
100% agree on things that can be produced easily on a CNC mill, like your hornblocks. Where it shines are in producing items that are really difficult to produce, or that can be done in plastic.
My stepper motor holders and the limit switch holders for my Unimat CNC lathe should have been produced by 3D printing, rather than out of aluminium.
3D printing is just another tool in your arsenal, not the solution to everything.
People keep asking me why I don't have a 3D printer at home. Not much use for one, but I do have a Printrbot Simple that will go together this weekend when I'm with a group of model railroaders. It was purchased for doing presentations and demonstrations, so no expectations other than that it squirts PLA around.
Just my opinions – John.
PS – Unimat CNC is on my blog, for those interested: **LINK**