Buffer, Not so much metal on water, as HANDGRENADE !
Jason, see above ! Lead or Die casting alloy is bad enough, brass or bronze – start running NOW !
A paster of paris type mold will absorb molten PLA which must be vapourised and driven off before ANY attempt is made to pour metal in ! The PLA Must first be melted out then BURNT out !
I have often been asked to cast from 3D printed patterns ! Only with a lot of remedial work are they normally any good. The problem is that unless the patterrn is PERFECTLY smooth will it release from the mold. The tiny ridges/layers will hold the sand and leave a poor surface or the mold will break up leaving ragged edges.
The idea seems on the face of it to be a pattern makers dream but at the level of hobby machines the finish is not good enough ! Sorry chaps ! Noel