I can see it being just another way forward for the hobby.
OK not at the moment, cost wise but think on a few years.
People with more computer skills than at present, software that's far more advanced than now.
One machine that doesn't need a big draughty shed with probably three times the cost of the machines invested in various tools and accessories to make the machines do what you want [ dividing heads, taps dies , etc, etc. ]
Not saying it will take over traditional model engineering but I can see it making inroads.
Lets face it 10 – 15 years ago if someone told you you could have a CNC router, mill, lathe, laser cutter and 3D printer sat on your bench without having to win a lottery you would have laughed or been burn at the stake as a heretic.
By virtue of the flat earth society dying off any new blood coming into the game has to be younger and by this selection only they will arrive with a different skill set to the departing Jerry Hat Tricks.
For years plans have been sold for making Widget 1, some even sell plans and materials like castings and bar stock.
We are literally only 6 months to 2 years away from someone selling plans and G Code for a CNC to make Widget 1.