Well i haven't printed a cube to check it, I may in the future just for my own sake but I'm sure i won't get better than Andrews, in fact I'm guessing it won't be as good.
His machine seems to have more control than mine, for instance I have layers in 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 and then the software seems to make most of the other choices like temperature etc.
As regards finding working examples it's not hard. i researched this subject for about 2 – 3 month off and on. In that time I saw 3 repraps actually working, results from 2 more, results from the UP! and one working [thanks Steve ] and one of the RS units over at Coventry so they are out there if you do your homework.
Anyway over the last couple of nights I have sorted the file out for the part I want, took me longer than I thought but had some licensing issues with Alibre requiring help from the States.
Anyway got the file, printer said 2 hours 45 minutes to print it in fine mode so printed it.
Came out very well and to be honest I couldn't have made such a nice job milling it. decided to leave the surface finish as is because the first alloy part after cleaning up will be the actual pattern. Took it up to the foundry this afternoon, only a small foundry and you deal with the owner.
He was mega impressed, first time he's seen a printed pattern,plenty of wax patterns but not a straight print.
Now this is where it gets interesting, remember the post where I reckoned up if the laser would pay for itself ?10% work horse, 90% John's toy ?
After seeing the pattern he dug round in the store room and come up with some bronze badges a bit like horse brasses but very worn, rounded edges, text nearly worn off.
Did I want the job to print some patterns for these, good paying work.
I declined at the moment for two reason, one is i have some family commitments at the moment that limit my time and secondly and more important i don't feel competent enough at the moment to develop the drawings. After so long on 2D CAD I find 3D very hard but that's just me.
Anyway i asked him if he could work to one and a half thou doing the casting. I won't repeat his reply