I was over on Traction Talk Forum yesterday and Ian (Shiremog) had posted a photo of some 3D printed patterns for a 3" threshing drum he is making, he has said its OK to share the photos here which I thought may be of interest as its always better to see the prints being put to a use we can relate to rather than printing out trinkets etc. The printer is an Ultimaker2, the same as Andrew J uses.
Some of the patterns, apparently there are over 120 castings in the model all home cast in aluminium or bronze. Click for a larger image
More detailed shots of some of the patterns, the small cube is a core box – its an easy job to click a button and print the space around an object rather than the object itself.
And a pic of the wheel hub with the holes for the spokes to fit into, wheel is 10" dia for an idea of scale.
Edited By JasonB on 03/06/2015 10:04:06