Solidworks will highlight a particular feature when you hover over the name.
Right click on the folder and you can edit the 3D object, ie: extend or shorten an extrusion a bit.
Right clicking on the sub-folder, which is the sketch file, brings up the 2D sketch, which can also be modified.
You can drag a feature up and down on the tree (sometimes).
This can be helpful if you have a cut (a hole), and then you extrude a shape through your hole.
Drag the hole down below the new shape, and the hole is maintained through the new shape (unfortunately this seldom works).
Sketches can be turned on and off using the VIEW pulldown menu.
I always turn off sketches, since I don't want to see sketches that I have already created.
I tend to create numerous new planes and axis when creating a model, and I hide those as I go, else there are too many trees to be able to see the forest.
I create models as if they are going to be used to create a 2D drawing, sometimes leaving out fillets so as not to clutter the 2D drawings.
To create a pattern from a model, it has to include draft angle on the appropriate surfaces, as well as machining allowances added, and core prints if required. I often add the fillets at this stage.
Castings made with sharp edges/joints tend to crack.
I suppress the view of the components that are used to create patterns, if I am trying to make 2D drawings.
I unsupress the pattern features when I want to 3D printing a pattern.
I use the 3D printer program to add in the shrinkage allowance, which is close to a 1.025 multiplier (if I remember correctly) factor.
Edited By PatJ on 16/04/2022 10:18:56