300 Years of the Steam Engine


300 Years of the Steam Engine

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    The Merry Miller

      Nyce wun tery.



        Is that spell checker US or UK English language?devil

        David Clark 13

          Dubble Duttch Methinks.

          regards David


            The spell checker was very precise and correct, try copying the poem and running it through a spell checker, either US or UK. It just shows the folly of using such a tool without a knowledge of the English language,





              I have to say that my comment to a professional journalist was appended with a wink (though the smileys available are not entirely clear to the casual glance).

              There are many fine engineers who struggle with the written word but who can explain their ideas with admirable effect. I am not criticising those; I did ask Diane to take my comment as constructive criticism.

              Your question; I am afraid that there is no such word as 'upto'; 'into' is used to convey motion towards being enclosed, while 'in' means that something is already enclosed or within some confine already.

              It is permissible to say 'in, to…' but it is as a subordinate clause, for example "please go in, to the dining room"; the request is to enter the house with a further direction to a particular room.

              The problem with most spell-checkers is that they are American, even though the language of choice is UK English; they do have to be taught what is correct! Terry's poem illustrates this perfectly. The programme recognises words and, to some extent, grammar, but is not infallible.

              To be honest, I am so paranoid about what I am writing now that I am double-checking everything just in case I make a mistake! I am beginning to wish that I had emailed Diane privately; it was not my intention to stir up a hornet's nest but to add a touch of humour to my praise.

              If someone asks me a question I will always do my best to answer if I can, even if, as now, my answer is not well received.

              I have to support David's answer that, although our requirements do not necessitate accurate spelling or grammar, professional use is far more exacting.

              My problem is that I am learning this hobby and reading all I can to extend my knowledge. I am a member of several forums and I notice the high number of requests for pictures and photographs; indeed, I have requested them myself. I had not considered it before, but is it likely, in these cases, that the written word does not convey accurate meaning?

              A professionally published magazine or book must maintain a high level of literacy in order to establish its authority. Therefore, my tongue-in-cheek comment to Diane is justified on the grounds that those learning from her written word are learning inaccuracies that could cause confusion which could lead to a confidence-lacking beginner giving up. I admit, this is a worst-case scenario, but it is an exaggeration to illustrate my point.

              We are all bemoaning the fact that young people are not attracted to our hobby; how can we possibly teach those who are if we can not express ourselves properly in the books that they are directed to?

              Please, please, please (inaccurate I know, but a plea for reason) do not think that I am criticising the fine people on this and other forums for how they write. I was merely answering the request for feedback from our esteemed Deputy Editor to which was appended my admission of pedantry and its root.

              For those of you who want to try for your own titbit of humour, try writing a five thousand word essay on medieval English Literature in Middle English, including quotations; Microsoft Word has a complete mental breakdown and jams the phoneline with calls to The Samaritans! (Insert BIG smiley, laughing itself silly).

              My best wishes to you all; may you keep posting that I, and others like me, may learn. I add my thanks to those from whom I have learnt so much already.



              PS I have had to edit a misspelt word! Haha!

              Edited By Andy Belcher on 28/05/2012 22:05:58

              Diane Carney

                Hi Andy

                You surprise me by putting a comma before a conjunction. If it's of any interest I move commas in sentences far, far more frequently than I correct spelling. Sometimes I start with a 'global search and replace' to take out all the commas that precede conjunctions before manually putting back the few that would have been correct.

                Worry not; I took your initial comment in the sprit in which it was written, I promise you. Please PM me with some examples. I hope that not too many were proper nouns.


                Gone Away
                  Posted by David Clark 1 on 27/05/2012 16:24:33:

                  In an amateur environment spelling and grammar is not to important

                  Tell me that was intentional smile

                  Gone Away
                    Posted by Andy Belcher on 28/05/2012 22:02:16:

                    The problem with most spell-checkers is that they are American, even though the language of choice is UK English; they do have to be taught what is correct!

                    Which is why the arrangement in the earlier web software – which allowed use of the writer's local browser spell checker – was preferred by many. You just obtained the language plug-in of choice and what training needed to be done worked on all websites.

                    My understanding of the spell checker here is that it saves any personal spelling preferences as a local cookie. Better not follow any internet advice that suggests deleting all cookies as a means of solving various problems (not very good advice anyway actually).

                    I've turned it off here (as I'm sure will be apparent in some of my posts). I believe a few others have too.

                      Posted by Sid Herbage on 28/05/2012 23:05:48:

                      Posted by David Clark 1 on 27/05/2012 16:24:33:

                      In an amateur environment spelling and grammar is not to important

                      Tell me that was intentional smile


                      I think you mean international, don't you? face 1


                      David Clark 13

                        Hi Sid

                        Did you mean the missing o?

                        It went through the spell checker fine.

                        I have added it.

                        I don't take quite so much care on the forum unless the error sticks out.

                        regards David

                          Posted by David Clark 1 on 29/05/2012 08:12:14:

                          Hi Sid

                          Did you mean the missing o?

                          It went through the spell checker fine.


                          regards David

                          That is exactly the point of the poem wink 2,




                            Well my spelling is pants so lets get this thread back to engines & engineeringsmile

                            I had quite taken a fancy to the John Chadwick engine on page 78 and was happily running through my head how I would build one of these only to find in the latest issue that someone else has beaten me too it. Oh well may still give it a go as it looks quite straight forward mechanically with just a bit of fabrication for the frames.

                            Anyone else been inspired to start sketching by the content?


                            PS Its also worth pointing out that subscribers do get a bit of discount on the purchase price which goes some way towards offsetting the postage costs.

                            Diane Carney

                              Thank you Jason – at last!

                              There are a lot of interesting small engines in the Bolton museum. If anyone's at a loose end this weekend it's open Monday and Tuesday. Always worth a visit and entry (or exit!) by donation. A veritable warehouse full of inspiration!


                              Diane Carney

                                Should also add – if you can't get the Special in Smiths – get it at Bolton Steam Museum !! wink

                                Mike Wainwright

                                  Well said jason

                                  Let's keep this thread to the engineering content of this most enjoyable magazine.

                                  Diane. You did a fantastic job putting it together.

                                  Shame you could not have included the first part of the ME series on the construction of the Dredger Engine.



                                  David Clark 13

                                    Hi Mike

                                    The Dredger articles are available bottom right.

                                    We don't own the copyright to reprint in a new magazine.

                                    We are allowed to supply photocopies of the originals though.

                                    regards David

                                    Mike Wainwright

                                      Thanks David.

                                      I know i can order them from the website, I did not realise that you don't have the copyright to include in a new publication.

                                      I will be ordering them this weekend, I don't think I wil ever make the engine but its nice to read the old articles


                                        For a similar price you could buy the back issues from e-bay, thats what I did and you get the rest of the old mags to read and they even smell old, unlike a photocopy.


                                        Clive Hartland

                                          At last i found a copy, in WHSmiths in Chatham. Even though I had asked before.

                                          This time I approached a young man in the shop and asked and he dived into the racks and right at the back behind everything was a copy.

                                          Still reading at the moment but a mine of historical and event info.


                                          Diane Carney

                                            I have just had contact from a reader, Brian Corfield, who is an authoriy on Thomas Newcomen and is going to be speaking at the celebrations in Dartmouth in July. He has discovered that he is, himself, a direct descendant of the Hornblower family and is hoping to write a book about the this very important dynastic but often overlooked family. As Brian says – the more we learn, the more we wish to know! I very much look forward to his book coming to fruition.


                                            Edited By Diane Carney on 01/06/2012 16:39:44

                                            Sub Mandrel

                                              Hi Jason,

                                              I built the engine below from a simple sketch and a few dimensions in a 1940s ME.

                                              I'm sure it must be a Chadwick engine, but with a few detail differences to Johns.


                                              P.S. I'm a direct descendent of the Flashmans




                                                Thanks for that Stub, does look to be a very similar style of engine.


                                                  Posted by JasonB on 17/05/2012 17:18:54:

                                                  Would actually be interesting to know if its all branches of Smiths who put them out early or just the one The Merry Miller uses?

                                                  Anyone else seen it in their local??

                                                  I'm also sure that Smiths has more cloat over MHS so David does not have much choice, I think it was a job a while back to be certain that all branches would even carry ME.


                                                  Edited By JasonB on 17/05/2012 17:20:54

                                                  I wish to modify my earlier answer (17-May). Unless there has been a new print run (?), my local WH Smith has just put out its stock of '300 Years of the Steam Engine', so I bought my copy today. Rural life eh? wink

                                                  (Acutually I'm just back from a holiday and missed all of the 'Self Adulation' thread. Figuring that good luck comes in three's, I bought a lottery ticket at the same time.)

                                                  OK. Back to the workshop smiley; the gymsad can wait a while longer.



                                                    Whilst on the subject of steam engines, I see Fred Dibnah's old house and grounds are for sale as a going concern museum. Anyone got £1.25M?


                                                      Don't start that one off Ken, we have had enough fun already this weekendsmile p

                                                      There is a 12 page long thread about it on Traction Talk if you want to join in, the Dibnah boys also post on there.


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