3″ Simplicity Steamroller


3″ Simplicity Steamroller

Home Forums Traction engines 3″ Simplicity Steamroller

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  • #296052
    Graham Swales

      As mentioned in my "new member" introduction, I am currently building a 3 scale Simplicity Steamroller to the Plaistow (Bridport Foundry) design.

      I have a couple of queries regarding the construction of and subsequent firing of the copper boiler which I would appreciate the experience of anyone who has built one of these "brutes".

      Thanks in anticipation.


      Graham Swales

        Copper boiler question

        Jon Cameron

          I can't answer any questions on the boiler firing, but do you have some pics to share so far, I've been debating whether to look into one of their kits, and would like to know how your finding assembly?

          Graham Swales


            Apologies for not responding sooner – the joys of having a more than full time job!

            I will sort out some pictures and create a folder but it will probably not be before the weekend.

            Just for clarification, Bridport Foundry are suppliers of the old Plaistow drawings and provide raw castings to support the design. They do not actually provide machined components in a kit form. In order to build the design you will need a range of workshop tooling and experience – the drawings leave a little to be desired and some of the components are quite intricate.

            Hope this helps..



              Sorry to restart a year old thread, but I've been looking to see if anyone can tell me about the simplicity roller for a while!

              They only supply the raw casting don't they? I got interested when I say the claim on the website that "only the rollers OD needs to be machined". But I'm dubious as to how much work that would require, and how big a lathe would be needed for a roller!

              Former Member

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