3 phase plugs for 240volt?


3 phase plugs for 240volt?

Home Forums Electronics in the Workshop 3 phase plugs for 240volt?

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  • #761638
    chris bond 1

      I have a Clarke, overhead hoist in my garage, the hand held controller has a capacitor in it, and there are five wires from the controller to the hoist. Sometimes I need to be further away when using the hoist so want to cut the controller cable and fit plugs and sockes to both the hoist wire and the controller wire so I can plug in an extension cable between the hoist and controller. So short lead  when I’m close, long lead when further away. My question is, can I use 5 pin 3 phase extension plugs and socckets? I have 5 core cable already. The hoist is 240 volt single phase, (domestic 13 amp). A really quick yes or no would be great, By Text/SMS or Wattsapp much appreciated or eMail through site.  Thank you guys in anticipation. Chris 0751********  ****.****@****.com


      [Post moderated to remove member’s personal contact details.]

      noel shelley

        Could be dangerous If someone plugged it in to a 5 pin socket at 415V ! But yes it would work ! Noel.



          Perhaps innocently Chris asks for answers thus:  By Text/SMS or Wattsapp much appreciated or eMail through site.  Thank you guys in anticipation. Chris 07519000889  chris.bond69@gmail.com

          This could be a phishing attack.  Members should avoid communicating using any of the methods requested by Chris because they give away contact information individuals probably want to keep private.  Answers on the forum or using the forum’s Private Message system maintain anonymity.

          Chris. I do hope you’re not one of the bad guys!  However, not forum etiquette to inhibit answers as requested, or to invite  forum members to open alternative comms channels.    Your question should only be answered on the forum in the normal way.

          If you have to ask about using 5-pin 3-phase connectors for a non-standard purpose, I suggest the simple answer is NO.  The circumstances in which the answer might be YES require explanation;  why it’s not quite black and white simple needs to be understood.




          Robert Atkinson 2


            Assuming 4 “control” wires plus a  proective earth a HAN 4 + PE connector would be suitable:


            IT the controller is double insulated and there is no protective eartn then a  5 pole one will suit but it must have a plastic hood / body.

            chris bond 1

              I am no scammer no crook, no con man. Sorry for confusion, first time I have asked a question on here. But having now had excellent advice I have acted on it and the matter is closed.

              I will seek to remove my details and or the question if possible. I can’t find where or how A T M.

              chris bond 1

                So how do I remove it Oh infinite wise  man of in depth knowledge of all things “model Engineer “etiquet”?

                chris bond 1

                  “inhibit answers” LoL????

                    On chris bond 1 Said:

                    I am no scammer no crook, no con man. Sorry for confusion, first time I have asked a question on here. But having now had excellent advice I have acted on it and the matter is closed.

                    I will seek to remove my details and or the question if possible. I can’t find where or how A T M.

                    Members can’t change anything once the time allowed for edit has expired, about 20minutes I think.  No problem though, on request a moderator can hide your details, so I will!

                    Hope you’re not put off because apart from evil-doers, everyone is welcome.  Don’t worry about making mistakes on the forum – I often do!

                    Re evil on on the internet, probably not obvious to members but Jason spends a lot of his valuable time nailing malignant intruders – they never give up.  He deserves a medal!



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