Having fixed many a strange problem on Audis for co-workers over the years, I certainly would not want to own one. Never seen such odd bits of electronic gadgetry for simple things like door locks and windshield wiper delays. One such wiper control unit had 6 individual circuit boards packed in a metal enclosure on a base like a relay. A new replacement was out of the question for the owner as it was well over $2000 from the dealer, about 3 weeks' take home pay for the guy at the time. We ended up making a new delay wipe control based on the well known 555 timer IC and a few discrete components to replace the old one – total cost $8 including a heavy duty relay. Drilled a hole and mounted the pot shaft for adjusting the delay period under the lower lip of the instrument panel. He took the controller unit out when he sold the car and has fitted the unit in several cars since.
Another Audi had a really odd seal design between the fuel filler cap and the fill neck. We just could not get it to seal, and the car would not run unless the tank could have about a half a psi pressure built up in the fuel tank, so a seal was mandatory. The replacement was over $300 from the dealer and not guaranteed if there was any rust at all in the filler neck. We ended up adapting a seal off a small engine for a large portable concrete mixer that fit almost perfectly with a minor od trim and it sealed with no trouble, total cost $1.75.
We won't talk about the 24 ga headlight wiring that caught fire regularly on one lady's Audi, until we replaced it with normal 12 gauge wire as used for most headlight wiring on other cars of the time. Or the gearshift reverse interlock switch on one guy's Audi that was so close to the pivot it had to be set within about .0015" to work (until we modified it with some real world +/-.125" engineering)
Lovely memories of fixing some dismal but very expensive status symbol cars in cold Canadian parking lots usually in February. Just pretend you are in a garage made of ice blocks at the end of an aircraft wind tunnel. At the time you think you will never be warm again.