A few years ago I converted a Proxxon MF-70 to CNC.
I never really got in with it, Computers are my day job, so it got packed away and stored in a corner.
I have decided that I should join the 21st century, and also that CNC will make a few things I have planned easier than manual setups, so I have recommissioned it.
its not going well…
I am running GRBL 1.1 and using the UGS code sender. Fusion360 for CAD/CAM.
Took a bit of fiddling, but the motion control seems fine now.
I need to cut steel with it, so I have bought some (more) small carbide end mills.
I thought I’d worked out the kinks, but tonight it again snapped an endmill.
Im running about 10-15k rpm on the spindle – hard to be more precise than that with the dial.
feed rate of 50mm/min, 0.5mm DOC
I realise that too slow and I’ll basically just rub the cut, too fast and snap again.
Am I babying it too much?