#209 – new look


#209 – new look

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    John Stevenson 1
      Posted by OuBallie on 02/11/2013 10:27:39:

      JohnS (The original one)

      Your posts never fail to lighten my day.

      Your last one re BR Time Table had me howling – with laughter that is. Very un-PC, but I don't give a flying frig.


      Many thanks for the kind words.

      For general information I don't do PC, H&S, ironing or paper hanging. Hitler started life as a paper hanger and look where that got him.

      I would sooner be a member of the exulted mob, that's why I work out of an old stable, didn't do Jesus any harm did it ?

      Cornish Jack

        "that's why I work out of an old stable, didn't do Jesus any harm did it ?"

        Ummmm … got a bit tricky for him in his early 30s but I suspect that you're past THAT hurdle by now!!cheeky





          So the issue number has gone off the front. No wonder I never found it in newsagents! Just to see if it was of any interest you understand. You may gather I lost interest.


          Edited By DMR on 03/11/2013 16:35:15

          Les Jones 1

            If they have to move the issue number from the top left hand corner just for the sake of making a change (THEY HAVE NOT GIVEN ANY REASON WHY IT IS BEING MOVED.) then the top left hand corner of the back page would be my suggestion. Putting the new copies on the shelf with the spine to the back would enable the issue number to be seen.  Another point is it would appear that issue 209 has been out for over a week but the web page still shows issue 208 as being the latest.


            Edited By Les Jones 1 on 03/11/2013 16:55:12

            jason udall

              My guess.
              When sharing the shop shelf with many other mags..only the left hand 1-2″ will show..you need to differentiate your mag in that window….fair enough.. SO WHY LET GO OFF A RECOGNISED”trademark”

              I do hope they have something better to do in that space

                Posted by David Clark 1 on 28/10/2013 15:42:20:

                We are looking to move the issue number where it can easily be seen but it won't go top left as before.

                regards David

                The words arrogant pig headed and bloody minded come to the fore.

                David you may not be responsible for the decision regarding the issue number but by using 'we' in the above statement you've stuck your head above the parapet so look out for the bombardment.

                This was Change for the sake of change and nothing else! I can see no commercial or sales advantage by moving the issue number, just a lot of p'd off readers.

                We the readers,subscribers and contributors want OUR magazine unspoilt.

                I'm all for change if it is purposeful well thought out and of meaningful value.


                jason udall

                  How about a free fold in give away…sticky numbered triangles then you can stick em where you want


                    The new position would make it easier to see for anyone who files ther mags in a binder, tucked down by the spine is not the ideal place for it in that case.

                    Anyway why all the fuss, ME has managed all these years without the issue number in the corner.



                      " ..why all the fuss, ME has managed all those years without the issue in the corner"

                      For the same reason that most of us like to sleep in a bed at night rather than on the floor. If you know no better then you don't miss it but once you have experienced it and recognised the utility it is very annoying when it is removed – especially when there is no good reason for doing so. I'm certainly not convinced that removing the number will do anything to increase sales.

                      ( Anyway Jason – I thought you said that you didn't take MEW ? wink&nbsp



                        No I'm given MEW (digital) as a Perksmile so thumbing through magazines does not come into it.





                          Michael Gilligan
                            Posted by JasonB on 03/11/2013 17:19:19:

                            The new position would make it easier to see … <etc>


                            There speaks a man who [it would appear] already knows


                            Michael Gilligan
                              Posted by Michael Gilligan on 21/10/2013 17:19:38:

                              I must add one very positive comment about the "New Look"

                              At last … someone has had the integrity to proclaim:

                              "37 PAGES of TOOLS, TECHNIQUES and PROJECTS"

                              instead of the previous "68 Pages" nonsense.



                              Oh well … I see we're back to the Bovine Manure

                              Issue 210 has "100 PACKED PAGES"



                              Edited By Michael Gilligan on 16/11/2013 22:12:00

                                Oh well … I see we're back to the Bovine Manure

                                Issue 210 has "100 PACKED PAGES"


                                Edited By Michael Gilligan on 16/11/2013 22:12:00

                                This edition looks more like an advertising brochure rather than a model engineering magazine.

                                I've already given up the ME in favour of EIM and would like to continue with MEW but I'm begining to have doubts.


                                Paul Barrett

                                  "This issue is a 100 page one at no extra cost"

                                  I feel so privileged.

                                  Being that 25% is advertising supplements, it is a bit misleading.


                                    I see that issue 210 has the number back near the top l/h corner.


                                    David Taylor

                                      I like the new look – seems more "open and airy" , and appreciate the plans in #210. I think the last few issues have had some more interesting articles than there were for a while, and I liked the charts that were in recently too.

                                      I think the magazine is going well at present.



                                      Peter G. Shaw

                                        A comment about adverts. I don't look at them. Repeat – I don't look at them. Please, advertisers, take note: I do not look at them.

                                        I don't generally watch TV ads either. In fact, I usually record a programme of interest for watching at a more convenient time in which case I fast forward over the adverts. But in those occasions where I do catch TV ads, I usually end up channel hopping until my wanted programme returns.

                                        But, in more general terms, adverts can, and do, become outdated so adverts for Bloggs' Nut-Mangler version 20,947 will be of no use in 'x' divisions of time. Which means that if one keeps magazines as a reference source, one will end up keeping a lot of useless paper holding out of date information and taking up valuable space. I don't know the current situation with ME, but I do know that in the days when I used to take it, all advertising was limited to the front and rear pages thus enabling one to remove these pages thus reducing the storage space required.

                                        There is another point. By virtue of adding this post, it shows that I have access to the internet. Which in turn means that I can access suppliers websites and, most importantly, browse the latest "stuff" and the latest prices. Therefore the only reason for having magazine adverts is, for me, to show which suppliers are available.

                                        So, advertisers and magazine producers, please stick all the ads either, or both, at the front and/or the rear of the magazine. Then I won't be wasting my time leafing through magazine content of which I have absolutely no interest.

                                        Now before I get jumped on, I fully realise that both in the case of the magazine, and non-BBC TV programs, it is the advertising that pays for the media concerned to be produced so I'm not suggesting that it be done away with: simply that it be placed (for the magazine) where it can be easily removed.

                                        As regards the position of the magazine number, it was indeed very nice, and convenient having it at the top left hand corner. But I don't remember ME having anything similer, although I do recall that both the date and the issue (Volume & Page?) were reasonably easy to see. I actually use a homemade database into which I insert a record of any article which I think may be of interest or use at some later date. This database includes references to the Issue Number, Page and Date. Furthermore, if any article seems to have particular immediate or near future use, it is copied into the computer for either re-rereading or printing as and when required. Thus, provided all magazines are kept in date order, and are correctly replaced, then it does become easy to locate any particular subject matter. I note that someone has included a photo of their magazine store: I use two large cereal boxes per set of magazines with the Issue Number range of that particular set written on self-adhesive labels on the front. It does require a certain amount of self-discipline, but it does work for me with something of the order of 30 years worth of magazines.

                                        The issue of the contents page is a tricky one. I can see why the publishers and advertisers want to include additional content, but really, the best place for a contents page is on Page 3 where one can read it simply by opening the first, cover, page. Please put it back.

                                        Rather cynically, I do wonder if some. or all, of these changes have been caused by some bright-eyed bush-tailed youngster straight from an MBA and wishing to make his, or her, mark, and who simply does not understand what the magazine is all about.


                                        Peter G. Shaw

                                        John Stevenson 1


                                          So if the editors want to comply with your wishes they need to work out some simple sums.

                                          The magazine costs £Z.00 to produce, this is made up of £X.00 from the subscribers and £Y.00 from the advertisers.

                                          Now because there are no advertisers your price will be £X.00 + £Y.00 = £Z.00

                                          So you will be quite happy at paying this increased price for less pages given there will be no advertising.

                                          That means no links for you to look at on your computer and possibly no web site for you to make comments and join in for free.

                                          Good side is though you won't need your internet connection so that money saved can go towards 60p stamps so you can write into postbag, wait a couple of months for your letter to be published [ if at all ]

                                          That's assuming the publishers don't regard Postbag as not being an article and scrub it.

                                          Peter G. Shaw


                                            Please read my paragraph 6 above.


                                            Sub Mandrel


                                              Sorry to be a party pooper, but you can't have just the advertising at the ends AND the contents on page three


                                              Peter G. Shaw


                                                In the '80's & '90's, maybe into the '00's as well, ME managed it quite nicely as I remember tearing out two or three pages at both ends. Given that the magazine is A4 size, these were A3 sheets which were completely full of ads (and I think something like Club News). The point is that, yes, you can't get rid of all the ads, but by intelligent layout of the magazine, it was possible to remove two or three pages at each end and thus reduce the magazine thickness. Ok, it may have only have been pages 5&6, 7&8, 9&10 plus the equivalent ones at the rear, but it represented a worthwhile saving. That's all I am asking for as after a few months, the ads are obsolete.




                                                  Its interesting that you say the ads are obsolete after a few months. On more than one occasion I have been able to help people trying to identify an engine by using the old adverts, the last one that springs to mind was the Jowitt engine by CME.

                                                  I also quite like looking at the ads when I get an old magazine.



                                                  Edited By JasonB on 21/11/2013 12:22:57


                                                    Adverts – that is good adverts are really interesting and informative. I have bought eg aeromodelling mags in the past specifically to see the adverts and costs of things. Perhaps that was more before the internet.
                                                    Old ads are often interesting too, to see how prices changed and what was around. There are often comments about old lathes being of such and such a date because there is an advert in a 1930 ME etc. There are some bound copies of old MEs that have the ads ripped out which I think is desacration.

                                                    It would be nice if advertisers would make their input more interesting and informative though. Nowadays a good publisher would have a system where the trader could drop a new advert into a prearranged slot the day before printing giving up to the minute offers .

                                                    Edited By Bazyle on 21/11/2013 13:44:12

                                                    Nicholas Farr

                                                      Hi Peter, while I respect your logic, I too find old averts interesting and informative. Yes by thier very reason adverts are used, they do indeed become obsolete in a relatively short period of time once the intended job for them is done. Old magazines without the adverts in place have less appeal to collectors, and although I pay little mind to the majority of the adverts, I will not remove them from my own magazines. I suppose in a way they make old magazines more historical.

                                                      I do have a collection of past catalogues from many different companies, mostly for tools and machines, and while a lot of things in them are no longer available, they are a good source of information for secound hand stuff.

                                                      Regards Nick.

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