#209 – new look


#209 – new look

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      I am not in favour of the advert placing between the magazine articles. I do read the ads particularly if I have something in mind so as to get a view of the market so I would still read them if they were placed outside the article section. The layout is disjointed and not really user friendly anymore.

      I think the publishers of ME are too commercially orientated to consider the feelings of the readers and are just intent on maximising their prophet.

      I agree with Lambton, so much so that I have subscribed to Engineering in Miniature as a replacement for the Model Engineer subscription that I have had for a good number of years. I have a feeling that I am not alone in thinking this way having read various forums.

      Alex Hapgood

        Here is my vote for returning the issue number to the original location on the cover. Not sure about the relocation of the contents page after so many years in a convenient and familiar location. I also have to agree that the duplication of the next issue information is a bit odd. I notice the Scribe a Line is missing and wonder if it lost out to the duplication or advertising. I very much like the clarity of the type in the articles which I find to be much easier to read.


        David Clark 13

          Hi There

          I was specifically told I had to include next issue as well as the bit on contents page.

          We are looking to move the issue number where it can easily be seen but it won't go top left as before.

          The cover is designed to attract readers to the magazine in the newsagents, nothing more.

          Scribe a line was not drop[ped for any reason.

          I include it as and when.

          Advertising is a necessary part of the magazine.

          Without advertising, no magazine and that means we have to encourage readers to look at the adverts, not hide them away at the beginning and the end.

          regards David



            I can't understand how, as Editor, you can be "told" that you "had to include next issue as well as the bit on contents page" ! Who edits the Magazine ? You or the design staff ?

            With a few exceptions, I'm still happy with the mix and breadth of the articles published – otherwise, I won't keep subscribing – and I can take or leave the new look to these. I don't see, however, how the changes you have made will attract anyone to buy even one issue unless they are already interested in the hobby. In fact, putting the Contents on page 6/7 instead of 3 is more likely to deter someone "browsing in Smith's".

            There isn't much difference between the new cover and the previous version, apart from a few words and a background colour change to the title, except the location of the issue number. OK, MEW is trying to attract new readers, but how does having the issue number on the top-LH Corner deter them ?

            I agree that, without advertising, the cover price would have to be so high that it would not be affordable, however, there is a large number of other magazines – including ME and EIM for our hobby – that manage to keep a better balance between the location of the adverts and the editorial content.

            Unfortunately, it looks like, in common with many "industries" in the UK these days, MEW would rather try to attract new customers than keep – or, at least, listen to the requirements of – their existing customers.

            I note that, apart from Editorial staff, all other staff on ME are the same as those on MEW. I just hope that ME won't suffer the same "new look".




              I accept your comments re content and advertising – if I didn't then I guess I would stop taking the mag! I welcome the news that the issue number will move to "where it can easily be seen" but WHY NOT at top left as before? Who makes these decisions and on what basis? Like many others, I suspect, I file my copies for easy reference and having the issue number really helps – especially as articles often run over several issues. It will be really inconvenient if the number is put anywhere else other than top left.

              HERE IS WHY:-


              Just behind my chair, in easy reach, and available in an instant – very quick to flick through to locate the right number.

              Please tell the bean counters and whizzo designers that this should be a case of function before style. – and what gain to the company if, in an attempt to gain new readers, they p**s off and lose long standing customers?




                I fully agree with Andy,

                Please get someone in control to explain why the very popular issue number in the top left corner cannot be reinstated. Obviously the decision to delete it has been taken above your head as editor. It is our magazine as we pay for it and produce most of the contributed articles so our views should be listened to and given due consideration. Without us there would be no magazine as advertisements alone would not sell it.

                I also do not accept that a "fairground like" cover is likely to attract any new readers so why omit a very small but useful thing like the corner issue number. W H Smith in Milton Keynes for example put all model related magazines on the bottom shelf with the bare minimum of the cover showing – just enough to identify it.

                It is very hard to quickly find any such magazine in such a location.

                David, I frankly get a bit mystified as to why you always appear to blame others for any shortcomings of the magazine that are identified by us the readers. Either you are Editor or you are not.

                Get a grip!



                  As I have mentioned in another thread, I have stopped my subscription to ME because I think the publishers are not in tune with their readers and seem to have lost the plot.

                  David, I really hope that you will make every attempt to continue with 'our magazine' in its present format as forcibly as you possibly can. Just because the office staff have opinions about how to attract readers, they are not necessary right and no doubt will alienate some readers.

                  As Eric wrote 'Get a grip!' in the nicest possible way.


                  jason udall

                    Ok. As a temporary fix why not tippex ( other products are available )a corner and felt tip the number where you need need it.
                    As to adverts..would prefer them BETWEEN articles not between pages of article ( it does happen elsewhere ) , who knows maybe one day there might be for something I am looking for. .maybe..but if the article is interrupted by the ad for the nut mangler supreme. .I would be annoyed and some of that at the advertiser…


                      So Jason, every MEW customer has to use "Tippex" or a temporary label to fix something that the supplier could fix once ?

                      Yet another example of getting customers to do the supplier's work.

                      "If you agree, press 1. To disagree press 2 or, for all other queries press 3, To speak to an operative, hold the line." (For half an hour and we may get back to you. Meanwhile, we'll play you some naff muzac interspersed with a verbal assurance that we "Value your custom&quot.


                      John Stevenson 1
                        Posted by houstonceng on 28/10/2013 20:01:13:

                        "If you agree, press 1. To disagree press 2 or, for all other queries press 3, To speak to an operative, hold the line." (For half an hour and we may get back to you. Meanwhile, we'll play you some naff muzac interspersed with a verbal assurance that we "Value your custom".


                        Yes hate then damn things.

                        Even the Samaritans use this system.

                        If you press the number to say you are depressed it asks do you ever contemplate suicide ? if so press 1.

                        Then goes on to ask do you contemplate suicide by hanging, press 1, suicide by drowning press 2, suicide by throwing yourself under a train press 3.

                        If you press 3 you get British Rails current timetable. wink

                        jason udall

                          ” temporary fix”.
                          For some reason the top left flag is no longer possible. . ( I have no idea but it has been said it isn’t. ..no reason given)..
                          If for some reason printing on pink paper becomes the fashion , we will have no recourse beyond buy or not.. get over it

                          I care more about the content. Though do prefer black text on white paper…


                            Sorry to resurrect this but now that I'm in " pick it up at the newsagents" mode I've had a chance to look at it. David says that the front cover is "brightened up" to stand out and attract buyers in newsagents. Looking back through the last 100 (ish) copies the ONLY significant difference I can see is that the issue number in the top LH corner has been removed. In its place is proudly proclaimed 37 PAGES OF (Tools,techniques and projects–[ these words were already there on previous issues])

                            The 37 pages got me thinking so I counted up:-

                            ISSUE 208 41 Pages

                            ISSUE 205 43 Pages

                            ISSUE 197 42 Pages

                            ISSUE 192 42 Pages

                            ISSUE 182 41 Pages

                            ISSUE 103 39 Pages (plus 2 pages of exhibition review)

                            The content mix is similar to previous issues and is ( mostly) still of interest to me so I guess I will live with it.

                            I'm still unhappy with losing the issue number though.


                            Michael Gilligan
                              Posted by Michael Gilligan on 21/10/2013 17:19:38:

                              I must add one very positive comment about the "New Look"

                              At last … someone has had the integrity to proclaim:

                              "37 PAGES of TOOLS, TECHNIQUES and PROJECTS"

                              instead of the previous "68 Pages" nonsense.




                              When I first commented on the 37 pages … it was in comparison with the previous [BS] boast that there were 68.

                              Yes, the actual editorial content has remained pretty stable.



                                Yes Michael but with 4/5 pages less of articles.


                                Michael Gilligan

                                  Very true … But, I remain happier with an honest approach to counting.



                                    JohnS (The original one)

                                    Your posts never fail to lighten my day.

                                    Your last one re BR Time Table had me howling – with laughter that is. Very un-PC, but I don't give a flying frig.

                                    Geoff – Struggling with the BH600G write-up, hence the delay. Brain on bl**dy strike.

                                    Iain Gordon

                                      I'd love to be able to comment on the new look, but I've not received my copy yet!
                                      I phoned the subscription Dept. and explained that I had not received issue 209 and they said they would arrange to send me a copy.
                                      Received a large envelope from them yesterday only to discover that they had sent me a copy of issue 208 and the ARC catalogue !!!

                                      I've now emailed them asking them to sort this out. I've been a subscriber since issue 1 and I'm not impressed.


                                        Posted by David Clark 1 on 28/10/2013 15:42:20:

                                        We are looking to move the issue number where it can easily be seen but it won't go top left as before.

                                        regards David


                                        Just been clearing up a pile of MEW – sooooooo easy to sort and file relative to the pile of ME yet to do.

                                        Peter E

                                          by David Clark;

                                          "We are looking to move the issue number where it can easily be seen but it won't go top left as before.

                                          regards David"

                                          Let's guess where that will be … the top RIGHT corner perhaps? wink

                                          Sarcasm aside, MEW is one of the magazines who have (had) the issue number placed in a place where it is effectively found and easy to use. The number is part of the "masthead" of the page and thus effectively has become a clear part of the branding which is now being challenged for what it seems just for the sake of change rather than anything else.

                                          Due to the discussion about the uncertainty of digital issues, I have recently paged through all of the issues prior to my paper versions. It was clear that magazine design have changed a few times earlier, but the masthead has been left as is with the exception of background color. The masthead has then become the recognition element carrying the mag onwards even if the rest of the page design have changed.

                                          That is an important factor to bear in mind and to re-use with caution as it is the same as a logotype.

                                          If the top left corner is not supposed to carry the issue number, what should be placed in its place? Number of pages, or FREE SOMETHING, or any other kind of information that is far less useful compared with the issue number. Information such as number of pages, Free something, or similar may well be placed in the bottom right corner and can be as large as is appropriate, and it will create visual balance to the page as well.


                                          John Stevenson 1

                                            by David Clark;

                                            "We are looking to move the issue number where it can easily be seen but it won't go top left as before.

                                            regards David"

                                            Roughly translated it means :-

                                            We haven't decided where it will go yet but just to prove a point we have not dropped a bollock it will not revert to the top left.

                                            It's of no consequence that it's been there from issue 12 until 208 and without exception everyone has asked that it be reinstalled top left.

                                            However if we set a president of listening to readers where will this end ?


                                              Hmmm John yes an interesting way of looking at things –

                                              "Let's tart up the cover as that might get us some new sales – never mind that we p**s off our long term readers each of whom may have spent ( at today's price) up to £878 with our business"

                                              Good grief – having worked out the cost of all that paper sitting behind me maybe I should have spent it on metal or castings or tools instead?



                                                by David Clark;

                                                "We are looking to move the issue number where it can easily be seen but it won't go top left as before


                                                The reinstatement of the issue number to the top left corner is clearly not within your remit to carry out and yet you are getting all the stick from us magazine buyers who want it returned to the traditional position.

                                                Will you please ask the person who will make the decision to explain to us all exactly why it is so imperative to remove this useful and much liked feature of our magazine.

                                                As I said in an earlier post we are the people who use our hard earned money to buy MEW and many of us write the contributions so please get the faceless ones to listen to us.




                                                  Bad move there!

                                                  I DARE not tote up the cost of all the magazines & books I have, as it will give me palpitations or worse, and that doesn't cover all the ones I've binned or given away either.

                                                  Yaoo are still totally ignoring their users, resulting in their share price now sliding.

                                                  Happy customers = survival & expansion

                                                  No customers = death to the business

                                                  Geoff – I REFUSE point blank to use the word growth or growing instead of expansion or expanding! Old fart I am and like being so, so there!



                                                    Hmm yes. I think growing is what is done between birth and about 20 years. Expanding ( maybe exponentially!) is what happens for most of our remaining years then finally – shrinking sad.

                                                    I'm well into the "expanding" phase myself so must learn to love it. Just get the boss to let out the trouser waist (again!)




                                                      Growing with reference to organic matter yes, no problem with that, nothing more natural.

                                                      It's when it's used in conjunction with an inanimate lifeless object, that's when it makes the blood overheat a tad.

                                                      SHMBO and myself have controlled our middles from 'growing' too much. The never ending battle.

                                                      Geoff – Searching for another post somewhere where I mentioned '… let's be at it' but can't find it!

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