#209 – new look


#209 – new look

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    John Hinkley

      Can't comment on the content, unfortunately. As of the time of this posting, it doesn't appear under the "Magazines" section accessed after logging in nor via the app I use on the iPad. The paper copy has yet to appear in the postbox, too.


      Sub Mandrel

        > making the ML7 into needle roller bearings

        Sounds a bit harsh!

        Geoff – I'm not a club member (although I have visited two clubs and will probably join one!) I find Club Chat entertaining nonetheless – but you probably need to buy a new joke book…


        Geoff Theasby


          Thank you, but people say there are only six basic jokes. That's why I have moved on to quotations, but if I see a joke that's new to me (and there are lots of old chestnuts out there) I'll use it. You may have noticed that sometimes I write my own…



          Ray Lyons


            When I click on the MEW illustration the contents are displayed without problem. Must be a glitch with my computer but I don't want to dig too deep. Last time I downloaded some viruses and my best option was to replace the hard disk.

            Number 209 dropped through my letterbox this morning. As usual, first class for contents and design. Anyone grumbling about the present magazine should look back at ME in the 40s and 50s to see how things have improved. For me, that thump on the doormat means a long coffee break and a very pleasant hour for the first reading.

            David Clark 13

              Hi There

              1 1/2 pages of contents is balanced out by a smaller helping of Ed's Bench.

              We have to atract new readers and the civer redesign is the way to do it.

              Everything is specifically selected to attract the buyer in the newsagents.

              My copy has not arrived yet.

              On sale on Friday in newsagents.

              regards David

              Michael Gilligan

                I must add one very positive comment about the "New Look"

                At last … someone has had the integrity to proclaim:

                "37 PAGES of TOOLS, TECHNIQUES and PROJECTS"

                instead of the previous "68 Pages" nonsense.



                  As a reader of MEW since issue No1, I must congratulate the editorial and design team of MEW for ruining a perfectly good magazine layout. It wasn't broke, so why did you try to fix it ?

                  I have the same comment about the missing Issue Number banner on the front cover, as others have already made – please put it back.

                  Contents page back to page 3 please. It's then easy to find that article in the issue one vaguely remembers by flicking straight to page 3 in each of the last few issues. OK, when the hard-copy index is published, or the on-line versions are updated, one should be able to go straight to the relevant issue – but not if you can't remember the article title. Surprisingly, seeing the contents page often jogs the memory.

                  BTW. Why have a page and a half of content ? More than half the additional space is just a repeat of "In our next issue" on page 41 and a lportion of the main contents page is an advertisement for "Subscribe today", repeating the information on page 35. Go back to the old, one page version please.

                  "The cover has been brightened up so it is easier for reader to find it on the newsagent's shelf" – Oh yeah ! Who are you trying to kid ? Compare it with issue 208. Apart from a change of colour in the words "Model Engineers'" and the loss of the words "The practical hobby magazine", the only real change (apart from the missing issue number banner) is the title on a black background instead of transparent to the main picture.

                  OK. The new article headlines and author's photograph are acceptable, but I wish they wouldn't intersperse adverts between editorial content. "Model Engineer" magazine (see Issue 4467) is a good example of a better layout in this respect.

                  Mark me down as "Unhappy"


                  Boiler Bri

                    By eck! you die hards should be making sabres, to rattle. Personal choice I believe, to me it's all engineering. The club I am a member of is mostly loco builders which is not my preferred choice but I do not knock them for their own interests.

                    i think we are back to one of my earlier posts about rivet counting'!!!!!

                    Brian. Supposedly an engineer by hobby.


                      The real problem in finding any magazine in WHS is that there are now so many, all squashed in that you can only see the left hand side of the cover and that can be so narrow as 1 -> 1.5".Whats more they move them around as well.

                      Russell Eberhardt
                        Posted by Ray Lyons on 21/10/2013 16:55:58:


                        When I click on the MEW illustration the contents are displayed without problem. Must be a glitch with my computer but I don't want to dig too deep. Last time I downloaded some viruses and my best option was to replace the hard disk.


                        It's not a glitch with your computer.

                        The MEW index has been put on the site as part of the html page. It is a GIF file image which can be displayed by all browsers.

                        The ME index is a link to a separate file in PDF format. Your browser doesn't handle those files which is why it's suggesting that you download another program. The other browsers I suggested have built in PDF readers, however it would probably be easiest for you to just follow your browser's suggestion which is presumably to install Adobe Acrobat Reader.

                        You will find loads of files out there in PDF format so it is definitely worth being able to read them.


                        John Hinkley

                          Well, issue 209 arrived in the post this morning. (I see it's also in the digital section.) I've only had a chance to flip through it so far and I must say, I think it's great! It has a fresh "feel" to it and appears to be thicker, somehow. I like the layout of the articles and the whole thing seems very well balanced. Well done, David and the production team. I think I will renew my subscription after all!


                          Sub Mandrel

                            Mine arrived about half an hour ago. First reaction was that the changes aren't exactly dramatic. It does look a bit cleaner, though.

                            Personally I STRONGLY PREFER there to be changes in style from time to time. It means that you can roughly place a random issue in its period at a glance and makes it easier to sort out a a big mixed pile.

                            Only two comments, which I'm not deeply exercised about: First, yes the big number on the front was nice, but it's easy enough to find the new one. Second, I do prefer the contents nearer the front, but if it frees up premium advertising space it helps make sure the mag continues…



                              "I do prefer the contents nearer the front, but if it frees up premium advertising space it helps make sure the mag continues…"

                              How can moving the "Editor's Bench" to the space originally occupied by the contents list and then INCREASING the "Contents" to 1.5 pages free up space ?

                              "1 1/2 pages of contents is balanced out by a smaller helping of Ed's Bench"

                              See same remark above

                              Sorry Stub Mandrel and Editor (David) – the arithmetic don't make sense !


                              John Stevenson 1

                                I have spent that much time reading all the moaning i haven't had time to read the mag.

                                Is this a good thing or bad ?

                                Answers on the back of a two pound coin please and send to Ketan at ARC so he can pay me back.



                                  |" Answers on the back of a two pound coin please and send to Ketan at ARC so he can pay me back."

                                  As I recall, last year it was one pound that he owed you – that's some interest rate!


                                  John Stevenson 1

                                    no interest rate but that does bring up a good point.

                                    Fact is he borrowed another quid a bit later.


                                      Well, I'm going to buck the trend and say I Like the new look, alright, losing issue number on The top left of the cover is a bit of an inconvenience however, I do like the layout of the contents page. One criticism would be that as the preview of articles for the next issue is on the contents page, I don't see the need to take up 2/3 of page 41 with exactly the same information. Keep the preview on the contents page and use the space on p41 or wherever it would appear in other issues to better purpose ( not for advertising!!).

                                      Other than those minor comments, well done to the editorial and design team. Nice fresh look yes



                                        OK, no.209 has now arrived in digital format – my paper edition is hopefully winging it's way to me in France as I write – and my initial reaction to the new look mag is that it is OK, quite good in fact, except the CNC stuff flies straight over my head, but that is my problem not the mags.

                                        BUT. There alway is a but. I add my vote to those who complain of the issue number being moved from a very prominent position in the top LH corner of the front cover to an insignificant 'hunt the issue number' position elsewhere. If that could be reinstated there would be one more satisfied customer! And to those who say add a stick on tab I ask why, when the answer is so simple for the publisher? It wasn't broke so why was it fixed?


                                        Edited By ChrisH on 25/10/2013 21:59:34

                                        Edited By ChrisH on 25/10/2013 22:00:04


                                          Got mine from the newsagent yesterday. I have no problem with the content and ranges of articles. As usual some that are of interest and others not so interesting to me at this time but could be in the future. I like the new type faces at the article headings etc. and the total lack of colour across the pages other than in the photographs.

                                          The things I do not like so much are:

                                          • the gaudy and over fussy front cover and as others have said the missing the issue number from the top left.
                                          • The distribution of adverts throughout the magazine which I find irritating and distracting. Of course I understand the necessity of having adverts but why can they not be confined to the pages before and after the collection of articles?

                                          I also buy Engineering in Miniature which has a superb, slightly understated appearance and layout throughout. The adverts are also where they should be before and after the articles. Have a look at for example the November issue and see what I mean.

                                          Gone Away

                                            Posted by Lambton on 26/10/2013 15:25:47:

                                            I understand the necessity of having adverts but why can they not be confined to the pages before and after the collection of articles?

                                            Just a little disingenuous surely?



                                              Just a little disingenuous surely?

                                              Not at all. It is just my frank and open opinion and a perfectly reasonable question.


                                                The fact they irritate you means that you have noticed them, if they were all in a bunch there would be a temptation to skip that part of the mag and just read the articles, quite common practice to place the adds where they are seen.



                                                  I seem to recall that some clown had the same “bright” idea some years ago with leaving the issue and volume nos. off the front cover of Model Engineer and severely upset half the readership.


                                                    I quite like the new layout.Think its a rather nice change. The only big mistake in changes is the absent issue no. Just wish they had also changed the photos + made them bigger so small detail can actually be seen without having to get out the magnifier.

                                                    Edited By DMB on 26/10/2013 17:30:24

                                                    Edited By DMB on 26/10/2013 17:34:34

                                                    Peter E

                                                      Having read through issue 209 a few times I find the new design overall pleasing. Well done. The only little item that could have been left as it was is, as many have said, the issue number in the top left corner.

                                                      I found that a very good thing when I began to read the magazine because at least I flips back and forth through the issues from time to time and then the issue number makes it very easy to find the desired issue quickly. For me I kind of saw that as part of the "logotype" or heading of the mag and apart from the number that have not changed.



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