I think its about time I post an update of progress so far.
I've been slowly beavering away at the build except for a few small tooling projects just as a change. I've got the slide bars and cross head made and I'm making the valve linkage at the moments I did buy a set of laser cut linkages but I didn't like the way you have to fabricate the forked ends so I'm making them out of solid so that they can be case hardened.
Any way her's a few photos.

The motion plate is made from a laser cut part with the edge fluting milled in the same as for the radius Link Bracket that's shown her clamp roughly in place as a trial fit it won't get fitted till I have the rest of the valve links fitted so that it can be correctly placed.

And I've recently taken delivery taken delivery of the Boiler from Western Steam and I must say they've made a lovely job of it with great service.

Edited By Stewart Hart on 12/02/2018 07:39:22