Disclaimer:I got a bit confused if I google the axis explanations, so correct me if I am wrong.
-I assume the X-axis is the one with the 1-Handwheel and you crank it towards or away from you.
-I assume the Y-Axis is travelling left to right in front of you with the two handwheels, one on each side.
-I assume your Head with gearbox going up and down is your Z1-Axis, and your quil up and down your Z2 axis.
– Will post a picture from the manual and mark the parts we talking about………
Sorry if I used incorrect wording:
1-You have the lower cabinet on which it mounts.
2-Then you bave the power base which bolts to the cabinet.
3-The X-Axis are from the lower base top.
4-Then you have a center piece which make the swivel possible. This centre piece has a lower part which form the X-axis and its front handle. The top part houses the Y-axis lower part and you lock it down with two large bolts, one on each side.
5-The Y-Axis part of the table mounts and slides on this, controlled with the two handles, one on each side.
6-The Y-Axis is the one that swivel 45 degrees through 0-Degrees to 45 the other direction.
7-If I want to dial in my vice, I must 1st dial in the Y-Axis swivelled to 0 degrees. I have verified and fine adjusted it using a precission square running the X-Axis forward and backward in relation to spindle. If this is not exactly zero, I found I cannot dial in my vice 100%. I think this may be interesting, seeing if you dont have a swivel bed Y-Axis you rely on its manufactured accuracy, which if slightly out, is a difficult job to get right, so I assume in such a case you can spend hours and just get your vice 97% say accurate as example.
-So I assume if you have a mill without the swivel bed, and you get your vice dialed in 100% you have an accurate mill in that regard.
Added pictured explanation of how it swivel:
The Mill I bought was named=ZX45 as plate shows on face of it.
However the manual I received with it say its ZAY7045M, where M=Indicate the swivel function option.
It is sort of heave, If I hoist it without cabinet, my new 2-Ton engine hoise dont move by pushing it, I had to lever it with a jack handle along the floor. I am not sure exactly what it weighs, seeing themanual in places not accurate, like it has a MT3 spindle, no, it has an MT4 spindle. It looks similar to some heavier duty drill presses.
It has a 10A motor 220V. It seems not sloppy in the axises.

I did a few electrical mods to the machine.
1-The thread cutting feature, the upper limit switch was garbage. I removed it, and fitted a quality switch inside towards the bottom, but it now always indicate the quill in its top resting position.
2-I added a 24V fuse and on/off switch.
3-I must still add a safety off switch to a foot pedal as I did with the lathe if both hands are occupied to switch it off..(After the carnage happenned if it fast).
4-I did various mods to the coolant system, still busy with the returm path from bed.
Edited By Chris Mate on 19/01/2022 13:48:44
Edited By Chris Mate on 19/01/2022 14:01:30