I have found the coil in this 1960 mains electric clock to have gone o/c. (It was working fine when it was last used in 1995 and I was looking forward to using it again in my new workshop. Typical!)
I did wonder about attempting to re-wind the coil myself but the wire is so fine I can hardly see it, never mind feel it. So I think such an attempt would be a disaster. (I have measured the wire to be around 0.065mm diameter)
So I'm just wondering now if anyone knows of a source for a replacement ? The coil is approx. 30mmL x 17mmOD x 1/4"(square)
I imagine (and I may be totally wrong !) that the electrical characteristics are not too critical just as long as doesn't draw too much current.) Please let me know if the coil laminations and rotor need to be closely matched in order to function. If so, I might need to think about a quartz movement but that's just MORE batteries and therefore doesn't appeal so much.