If you zoom into the photo, to the NS chassis leg above the front CT (CarTrolley) upright, you will see an unpainted section.
This has the chassis number stamped on. Austin originally riveted chassis number plates onto the OS rail, but changed to punching the numbers on around the time my car was constructed.
However, when I stripped the chassis to bare metal I was somewhat taken aback to see what appeared to be an outline of a chassis plate impression in the steel.
Ah, unless of course it was from the punch that made the rivet holes. Just thought of that
I found the best paint stripper I've ever used full stop.
Water based BUT it works an absolute treat, with no nasty smell. The usual disclaimer but I've recommended it enough times now I think I should throw them a hint as I need some more.
Most strippers have been so diluted by EU Regs as to make them useless now.
I gave the bare metal a wipe over with GibbsBrand but where there was any rust, a spray of phosphoric acid.
Another method of protecting bare metal is to use Agfa CopyRapid, a water based clear coat used in the printing industry to stop aluminium plates oxidising.
Red oxide now is just an apology for what it was, having been killed off by the EU.
The manufacturers are conning us by using the once great name on a product that bares no resemblance to what it was. You are lucky if you have some of the original product. Wish I had.
Very appropriate!
Model number.
All Sevens have them, but I must ask how they came about, as I don't. Good question!
Perfect material, but life's too short for me to even contemplate replacing them.
Anyroad, they've survived 80years, so will outlast me as well as the next few owners me thinks.
You can follow my progress on the FriendsForum
Geoff – Ready to start stripping tomorrow, paint that is