@tractionengine …Hi Nigel, I do actually have a complete set of DMT diamond stones, 11 1/2" long, all the way from extra-extra coarse to extra-extra fine, which I use for sharpening my woodworking edge tools. As you say, however, it would be slow, and wouldn't really have any advantage over what I am doing at present … I definitely need powered assistance .
@Nicholas Farr …Hi Nick thanks for the link … from what I have read since starting this thread it would seem that coolant is a sine qua non when grinding aluminium, so that rules out the grinding option …I am not going to have coolant squirting all over the place,.. dry dust I can vacuum away , but it seems that dry grinding is out of the question due to the wheel loading.
So that leads me back to the router option.
Dusty and others have expressed concern ( and rightly so) about the safety aspects of hand -feeding metal into a cutter. I am as keenly aware of safety procedures as anybody …I spend a goodly part of every working day on my table saw and my router table, and I have evolved procedures for machining both wood and metal (yes, I do cut thin aluminium on the saw) which make the whole operation virtually foolproof. Custom made push blocks are essential , as are efficiently designed hold- downs and feather-boards. If you set everything up right (and I have over 35 years of experience at wood machining), then you won't have any accidents. And, of course, full face protection is absolutely essential.
I will let you know how the routering goes, and thanks again to everybody for their suggestions and advice.
EDIT: 3 more posts since I started writing this post …have to go out now will reply later …cheers
Edited By murrmac on 01/03/2014 12:51:57