12 volt pinger – Ding a Ling


12 volt pinger – Ding a Ling

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    Speedy Builder5

      I have an older mini and even older ears!  Does anyone know of a sound device that I could connect to the indicator circuit that would give a pleasing sound warning that the turn indicator has been selected. There are plenty of buzzers, but I was looking for something pleasant sounding. I am sure there are things like Arduino or Raspberry Pie, but surely that is overkill.


      Michael Gilligan

        It appears that you are not alone in wishing for that, Bob

        … useful discussion here:



        John Hinkley


          It’s a legal requirement in the UK to have either an audible or visible indication in the driver’s position to show that an attached trailer or caravan’s indicators are functioning.  I imagine that the same is true of France.  So that would be my first port of call – a caravan dealer or tow-bar fitter.  A buzzer suitable for a motorcycle would be most unpleasant to listen to and fairly intrusive, if cheap! A chime is what you’re after, I guess.  A bit of a risk just buying one off the Internet; better to get a demonstration, in my opinion.

          Pagesjeunes.fr for your area may give some leads, but in my experience very few small businesses/garages etc in France have websites to view.  Mind you, that was ten years ago.



          Harry Wilkes

            anything like the one in my car is enough to drive anyone round the bend !


            Peter Greene

              I have never been able to hear the turn signals in my (now 14 year old) Altima. Looking on the internet it seems that many others have the same complaint Both the dealer and Nissan say they can’t make it louder – don’t know why, I’m sure it’s done in software (not a mechanical buzzer). Nor has it been improved over the years apparently.

              Funnily enough, improvement has come with age-related hearing loss. Now that I wear a hearing-aid, I have a phone app that lets me adjust both the frequency profile and volume of the hearing aid and I derived and saved a profile that works very nicely with the turn-signals and can be turned on while driving.

              Robert Atkinson 2

                Sounding nice is subjective.
                You could try a NE555 timer based chime. Search ebay etc for Door Bell DIY Kit NE555. Lots of sellers for a few pounds so not a big risk.
                Normally “triggered” by a push button but you could try just powering it with the indicator light switched voltage (button pressed or not will give diffeent response) or connect the supply to switched ignition and the indicator switched voltage to the “diode” side of the push button switch.This is one random supplier that give the circuit on their website. Never used them, no connection to them.


                bernard towers

                  Caravan one might be the way to go they have been around a long while so might have got the sound level right.

                  Speedy Builder5

                    Thanks for the replies, but not quite there yet (Am I too picky ?).

                    Michael Gilligan
                      On Speedy Builder5 Said:

                      Thanks for the replies, but not quite there yet (Am I too picky ?).

                      Maybe, maybe not … but I think you’re probably going to have to make your own choice now, according to taste and complexity.



                      Edit: __ You might find it helpful to browse through these pages to find some sounds for a short-list:


                      Howard Lewis

                        Silly suggestion

                        Buy a small 8 ohm loudspeaker, insert a current limiting  resistor, (560 ohms  or more to limit the current to about 30 mA?) in series, and connect in parallel with the indicator circuit, (Across the wires feeding the near and off side lamps). That should make a loud enough noise to be heard!

                        If the loudspeaker impedance is not 8 ohms, adjust the resistor value to limit bthe current to 30 mA or less.


                        Tim Stevens

                          Anyone following Howard’s advice might be frustrated, as the connection needs to be from something powered to earth. Connecting the two ‘output’ leads (going to the flashers each side) might work, or it might stop the system from working, or you might get both flashers on whichever way you click the control. And a loudspeaker will only produce a click for ON and another (quieter) for OFF, so it simply might not be heard at all in traffic.

                          The connection needs to be from some sort of oscillator (buzzer, etc) or musical device (not just a transformer) and you connect it from the output from the flasher unit (which goes to the ‘common’ connection within the flasher control) and to earth. This ensures that the new musical device gets current when either the L, or the R, flashers are in use.

                          Yes, its a bit complicated, but not as much as heart surgery (and that is done without stopping or blowing up the engine.)

                          Cheers, Tim

                          Paul Lousick

                            Have a look on ebay for DC12V wired doorbell with music. Some have a selection for different music.



                              Could one take Robert Atkinson’s Ding Dong devices and change the circuit by short circuiting S1, connect J1 -1 to current indicator, J1 2 to earth

                              and connect the LS1 leads to perhaps front drivers side radio speaker thus getting a pleasant sounding sound without having to find space for another speaker?

                              These boards are also obtainable off Ali Baba sites.



                              Howard Lewis

                                The usual technique, for filament type lamps, is for the warning lamp to be connected between the feeds for the lamp on each side. The 21 W lamps provide a sufficiently low resistance path to earth for the 2.5W warning lamp.

                                This is the way in which Lucas arranged their indicator switches.  It has the advantage that if one of the “earth path” lamps fails, the warning lamp is less likely to illuminate, warning of a failure.

                                On later LED type lamps, as Tim says, there needs to be a direct path to earth, so the feed from each side might well need a diode to prevent energising both sides at the same time.

                                I am certain that applying 12 V to a loudspeaker will provide a loud enough “click” to be heard.  Try applying a 1.5V cell across the speaker!

                                The current limiting resistor is necessary to protect the speaker,(And the diodes).  I doubt if a 8 Ohm speaker coil would withstand a current in excess of 1.5 Amps for long!



                                  And there are times when the warning bleeper can be REALLY annoying. Had problems with my Sandy Ro driving home from a shopping trip. Beeper kept coming on and stopping intermittently. Did a quick visual of all the ‘normal’ trigger generation sources, Lights, handbrake, doors etc.. Eventually found the source, I had risked the safety of my shopping by NOT fastening its seat belt on the passenger seat. Not heavy enough to trigger the unit when stationary, but various driving manoeuvres did.

                                  Regards  Ian.

                                  Howard Lewis

                                    Like Circlip, I found that very little weight on an “empty” seat made the system think that the seat was occupied; calling for the seat belt to be fastened.

                                    Now the bag either goes on the floor, or the belt is fastened, just to make the system happy.


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